Monday, October 15, 2012

Episode XX: New News is New

[a crashing noise happens as the hostess steps onto the stage]
[she glances backstage and turns to the audience with a sheepish grin]

Spaz: Well, hello there, audience! How are you all? Good, good. Alrighty then, let's begin! Beginning with... our Featured Vocaloid, Miss Yukari Yuzuki!

[Yukari walks onstage, greeted with applause.]

Spaz: Hello, Miss Yukari, go ahead and have a seat.

[They both sit.]

Spaz: Now, tell us a bit about yourself. You were one of the first Vocaloid 3s, correct?
Yukari: Yes, I was AH-Software's first V3. Also, many producers contributed to their efforts, so I'd like to thank them for all their hard work!
Spaz: [nodding] Of course! And then, you also were the first with the "Voiceroid" software?
Yukari: Right, so producers can have me speaking in songs instead of the usual singing. It's a bit odd, but I think I speak pretty well.
Spaz: There's an excellent example of this in 40mP's Heartbreak Headlines. That's Miss Yukari in the beginning-- doesn't she sound great?
Yukari: Thanks! I think I'm kind of unique in that way, and also since my voice is a little deeper, that makes me stand out from the rest of the Japanese Vocaloids.
Spaz: Right, right. Speaking of that, your costume is pretty interesting, too! I see a bit of a rabbit theme here?
Yukari: I think so, my hood has ears on it...
Spaz: And your pigtails give off that impression, too. I think there's a sort of subversion of the usual design cliches here-- you've got the pigtails, but they're low, and your hoodie is cool but also more casual, and it covers the... well, what do you call them?
Yukari: Arm socks?
Spaz: Yeah, those! And then, there's the Zettai Ryouiki, done unconventionally as well.
Yukari: Um, Spaz?
Spaz: Yes?
Yukari: Some audience members appear to be confused.
Spaz: ... Oh! To clarify, Zettai Ryouiki is a Japanese fashion trend that features high socks or boots and short skirts or shorts, which leaves a portion of the thigh exposed. Anyways, Miss Yukari, how do you see the fandom often portraying you?
Yukari: ... Well, since I'm still relatively new... I was released December 22nd of last year and all, so there's still not much in the way of headcanon about me. But I think I'm seen as a quieter person than, say, the more outgoing SeeU or Rin.
Spaz: I see! Well, Miss Yukari, we're running out of time, anything else you'd like to share with the audience?
Yukari: I hope to sing many cool songs in the future! Please look out for me!
Spaz: Thanks for your time!


[lights come back on to Spaz and Yuuma]

Spaz: ... And we're back! So, Yuuma, guess what?
Yuuma: ... what?
Spaz: We've got your V3 demo! That is, another one of them! Here it is!
Yuuma: Oh, right, this is the one with falsetto.
Spaz: Right, Yuuma here's getting a falsetto voicebank along with his normal V3 voicebank! This demo... it's rather catchy.
Yuuma: The beat really gets stuck in your head, doesn't it?
Spaz: Yes, exactly. His falsetto can be heard at the end of some of the phrases. So, when can we expect this to be distributed to the public? Anytime soon?
Yuuma: October 19th!
Spaz: Wow, that's only in a couple days!
Yuuma: It's really exciting, even though there's no typical "append" redesign.
Spaz: Yeah! Speaking of V3s and new voicebanks...
Yuuma: ... oh. I should...

[Yuuma hurriedly exits]

Spaz: ... Okay, so well, a new demo for Miku's English Voicebank, an English cover of the song "1/6". ... Hey, someone, I need someone to play off of! Anyone?

[Meiko enters, somewhat reluctantly]

Spaz: Oh, hey Meiko!
Meiko: Yeah, yeah, so there's more demos, right?
Spaz: Yessss! Kaito's V3 demos! Normal and Whisper! Right here!
Meiko: You're fangirling inside your head, aren't you?
Spaz: [nodding] The first song is by Shigotoshite-P, and the second is by Wander-P. The second song, Karakuri Tokei to Koi no Hanashi, is actually a remake of a previous Kaito demo song with his Whisper voicebank.
Meiko: ... and?
Spaz: Aaaaand his English demo!
Meiko: ...
Spaz: ...
Meiko: ...
Spaz: ...
Meiko: ... Bakaito... why is the song so high?
Spaz: I haven't a clue. But! Pronunciation's improved for both English voicebanks, and aaaaah I can't wait!
Meiko: I guess I don't get demos yet.
Spaz: Sadly, no.
Meiko: So, how much longer do you have to wait?
Spaz: Spring 2013. Spring 2013. Oh man, maybe even in time for my birthday... please please please please... I hope it won't cost a lot... maybe... hopefully...
Meiko: ... So is there anything else?
Meiko: ... Spaz?
Spaz: But even his current voicebank is like three hundred dollars... and how... I don't even have... no... why... would it be region-locked...? I don't even know...
Meiko: ... Spaz! Get a hold of yourself. What other songs did you want to present?
Spaz: This and that.
Meiko: There, that's done. Now get up, we're out of time.