Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Episode Eleven Point Five: July Fourth!

Yeah! Today's America's Birthday! the Fourth of July, so! Obligatory Hetalia post, where it really is America's birthday! Kind of.

But obviously, this is a vocaloid blog... thus... crossover!

Let's start off with some Hetaloid, UTAUs made with voice samples from the countries' seiyuus! It's not a good method for high-quality voicebanks, just because the whole process and such, but there are a few good ones out there.

Anyways, here's Panda Hero, or at least a parody of it, sung by Russialoid. Ko- ko- kol, ko-ko- kolkol

And then, a parody of Romeo and Cinderella with Japanloid, about... eh, sodium intake and high blood pressure? I'm not sure. Oh, I think there's a few France moments in there near the end. Like, the four and a half-minute mark.

And now we can move onto some more Vocaloids singing stuff.

Like this, "Seven Weeks War" referring obviously to a war. One between Austria and Prussia, featuring Kaito as Austria and Gakupo as Prussia. Pffft. Amusing and educational!

And here we have several Hetalia character songs (read: seiyuus singing a song about/ in the point of view of their characters yay) covered by Kaito.
We've got Russia's Winter and Pechka ~ My Heart Has A Light
and then Prussia's Mein Gott (pfft "ore-sama" XD )
along with North Italy's Let's Boil Hot Water!
and, finally, Spain's version of the Delicious Tomato Song. Which is ironic, because there's that other song... Anyways!

So finally a patriotic thingy for Independence Day, right? Right. Of course.

It's America Hetaloid's cover of Fire Flower. Like a Fiiire Flower~

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