Sunday, August 26, 2012

Episode Seventeen: Singing a Song about Insecticides

Oh, hello! After a two week delay  spaz being lazy business attack  hiatus, we're back! and better than ever!  also there was a bit where i semi-intentionally dragged everyone into a fandom ahem

So, shall we begin?

Featured Vocaloid

Our Featured Vocaloid is Piko Utatane, the fifteenth Japanese Vocaloid! He's voiced by the Nico Nico Douga singer Piko and was released by Ki/oon, some kind of subsidiary of Sony. His design is based off of an electric guitar, apparently. His fandom portrayal... varies. A lot. As most of the newer Vocaloids do. He also has few originals, mostly covers, but he does have Remember. And Piko Piko ☆ Legend of the Night. His voice is similar to Len's in range, but pretty unique to itself tone-wise. 

Featured Producer 

It's Over! Our Featured Producer is Owata-P. He's made songs from the range of serious to comedy, from Just Work! NEET to the Benzene series. 

But Spaz, what's the Benzene Series?

Well, audience, it's a series all titled after chemicals, sung mostly by Rin and Len until further notice.

It starts with Benzene and Nitrobenzene

It escalates with Paradichlorobenzene and Antichlorobenzene

And resolves...? With Toluene. Sung by Luka.

And all of them are kind of creepy and weird and confusing and brain killing \o/

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Classic Song

Turkish March Owata as sung by Gakupo and by, well, Owata-P \(^o^)/

Crowning Music of Sadness

Toumei Answer, or Transparent Answer, sung by IA and by Jin. It's part of the Kagerou Project.

Crowning Music of I'm Seeing a Food Theme Here

Song of Hating Tomatoes sung by Kaito and by the Featured Producer. While I can see Kaito not liking tomatoes, he's a bit... not-very-our-headcanon at some points \(^o^)/

Crowning Music of Awesome

Children Record by Jin and sung by IA. It connects ALL of the Kagerou Project!


This is an Ib-ified cover of A Born Coward/ Ama no jaku ( Gumi and 164-P )

This is an Ib-ified cover of... well... let's move on.

This is SiGrE sung by Rin and Len with an Ib PV. FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELS ALL OF THEM FEELS

This is a vocalist (Asako Tori) song by sasakure.UK with an Ib PV. 




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