Saturday, September 29, 2012

Episode X: \(^o^)/


[an awkward silence fills the set]
[a cameraman coughs]
[finally, a certain someone steps onto the set, sitting down in the second seat with a sigh]

Kaito: It's confirmed. She's completely incapable of doing anything now.

[He rolls his eyes]

Kaito: But... well, the show must go on and all that... and it's been way too long since the last post... Hm...

[After a moment, he looks up.]

Kaito: Oh, hey! Gumi, could you come over here for a second?

[Gumi walks on set]

Gumi: What is it?
Kaito: Well, Spaz can't do anything right now... but we need to do something, so...
Gumi: Why don't we look at her episode plans?

[Kaito blinks, surprised.]

Kaito: She had episode plans?!
Gumi: Yeah, well, kind of. Just some scattered songs she wanted to mention eventually.

[She hands him a piece of paper. He reads over it.]

Kaito: "An Awesome Nico Chorus of Migikata No Chou"... "1925"... and then she's wondering "Have I Mentioned--"

[The expression on his face resembles the surprise of a student when their name is called, caught off-guard]

Kaito: "To You"? ... Huh, well, then after that... "CosMo singing Kagamine Len no Bousou"

[Somewhere backstage is the sound of Len screaming "NOOO"]
[Kaito keeps reading.]

Kaito: "Also, CosMo and OwataP singing Matryoshka and Thousand Sakura"... and then she marks a few songs with a "maybe" like...

[He trails of with a disturbed expression. After a moment, he placed the list on the table, facedown. Gumi laughs.]

Gumi: I think she planned on some other things, like interviews with some of us and stuff. Also, someone recommended Oliver's cover of Alice.
Kaito: Right, and then she was also going to do this thing with some of our covers of that one song.
Gumi: Which one?
Kaito: That one.
Gumi: ... Oh right! That one...

[If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of Len's manly points disappearing.]

Gumi: ... Right... And then, to combat Len's current portrayal in this post, she was going to put this picture up on there.

Kaito: Oh, I remember that photoshoot... hey, what about me?!
Gumi: What? Oh right. ... I don't think she planned any pictures, but we can certainly look in her desk for one.
Kaito: I was kind of joking, but...

[Gumi begins rifling around in Spaz's desk]

Gumi: There's lots of 'em in here...


[Kaito blinks, fidgeting.]

Kaito: ... So...


Gumi: None of them are particularly manly, actually... Oh! There's this one, here!

Kaito: Oh! That one.
Gumi: Yeah. Getting back on topic... that's all she has right now, so...

[A moment passes. No one says anything.]

Kaito: So...
Gumi: Let's end it here? Alright, bye guys. Farewell! Et cetera. I'll go see if Spaz can be moved.
Kaito: Try not to mention ponds. Or angels. Or anything Doctor Who related. Or answers or test papers or Invisible Answer or Shintaro Kisaragi or Ene or Haruka/Konoha/whatsisface or anything Kagerou Project related... or anything to do with Pokemon Mystery Dungeon...
Gumi: ... right...

[Both exit.]

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Episode Such and Such

Hold up, this format is troublesome. I think I'll fix it. We'll be up and going regularly again once I redo the standard formatting of the average blog post.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Episode Eighteen: One Hundred Fifty Letters to Yu

Spaz doing an entry through feels seems like a running theme here... ah, well, here you go. *yeahhh*

Featured Vocaloid

Our Featured Vocaloid is VY2, codenamed "Yuma" (or Yuuma). Developed by bplats and distributed by Yamaha, the sixteenth Japanese Vocaloid and the second one intended for professional use. So, like VY1, VY2 officially has no determined gender or personality or anything, only described as "masculine". However, there was a design contest for him and Manbo-...-P's sister came up with the winning design, dubbed "Roro". His more popular songs are his ones by Manbo-etc-P. His voice lends itself well to sounding quite human, and it's pretty set apart from others. 

Featured Producer

Our Featured Producer is 150P, who is responsible for Len's amazing song Lost Destination. He also has a new series called "Bookmark of Demise", based on urban horror myths.

A Future-Classic? ish Song

ODDS & ENDS by ryo/supercell and sung by Miku. 

Crowning Music of Awesome Motheory Table Flipping

Escape of Sahlmhofer the Witch is mothy's new song, shedding more light on the Moonlit bit of the Evillous Chronicles. Did I mention it's sung by Meiko? It's sung by Meiko. And my headcanon timeline has been wibbly-wobbly'ed. 

Crowning Music of Melancholy

Answer is, well, an answer song to Just Be Friends (Dixie Flatline + Luka). Fairly new and very unprecedented. ... the whistling...

Crowning Music of Tragedy

A Love Story of a Certain Bakeneko by Nem, sung by Len. Illust. by Tama. 

Spotlight Cover

This Cendrillon cover by VY1 and VY2 was one of Yuuma's demo songs. 

Spotlight Duet

Kagerou Days as re-lyric'd and covered and Ib-ified by Kaito, IA, and... Len...? I'll have to listen to it again. But yes. Subs can be found on another cover.

Random Recommendation 

Free is a remix with both Len and Luka, one of AVTechNO!'s trance/rave/electronic pieces.

Recent News

That is all~