Saturday, September 29, 2012

Episode X: \(^o^)/


[an awkward silence fills the set]
[a cameraman coughs]
[finally, a certain someone steps onto the set, sitting down in the second seat with a sigh]

Kaito: It's confirmed. She's completely incapable of doing anything now.

[He rolls his eyes]

Kaito: But... well, the show must go on and all that... and it's been way too long since the last post... Hm...

[After a moment, he looks up.]

Kaito: Oh, hey! Gumi, could you come over here for a second?

[Gumi walks on set]

Gumi: What is it?
Kaito: Well, Spaz can't do anything right now... but we need to do something, so...
Gumi: Why don't we look at her episode plans?

[Kaito blinks, surprised.]

Kaito: She had episode plans?!
Gumi: Yeah, well, kind of. Just some scattered songs she wanted to mention eventually.

[She hands him a piece of paper. He reads over it.]

Kaito: "An Awesome Nico Chorus of Migikata No Chou"... "1925"... and then she's wondering "Have I Mentioned--"

[The expression on his face resembles the surprise of a student when their name is called, caught off-guard]

Kaito: "To You"? ... Huh, well, then after that... "CosMo singing Kagamine Len no Bousou"

[Somewhere backstage is the sound of Len screaming "NOOO"]
[Kaito keeps reading.]

Kaito: "Also, CosMo and OwataP singing Matryoshka and Thousand Sakura"... and then she marks a few songs with a "maybe" like...

[He trails of with a disturbed expression. After a moment, he placed the list on the table, facedown. Gumi laughs.]

Gumi: I think she planned on some other things, like interviews with some of us and stuff. Also, someone recommended Oliver's cover of Alice.
Kaito: Right, and then she was also going to do this thing with some of our covers of that one song.
Gumi: Which one?
Kaito: That one.
Gumi: ... Oh right! That one...

[If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of Len's manly points disappearing.]

Gumi: ... Right... And then, to combat Len's current portrayal in this post, she was going to put this picture up on there.

Kaito: Oh, I remember that photoshoot... hey, what about me?!
Gumi: What? Oh right. ... I don't think she planned any pictures, but we can certainly look in her desk for one.
Kaito: I was kind of joking, but...

[Gumi begins rifling around in Spaz's desk]

Gumi: There's lots of 'em in here...


[Kaito blinks, fidgeting.]

Kaito: ... So...


Gumi: None of them are particularly manly, actually... Oh! There's this one, here!

Kaito: Oh! That one.
Gumi: Yeah. Getting back on topic... that's all she has right now, so...

[A moment passes. No one says anything.]

Kaito: So...
Gumi: Let's end it here? Alright, bye guys. Farewell! Et cetera. I'll go see if Spaz can be moved.
Kaito: Try not to mention ponds. Or angels. Or anything Doctor Who related. Or answers or test papers or Invisible Answer or Shintaro Kisaragi or Ene or Haruka/Konoha/whatsisface or anything Kagerou Project related... or anything to do with Pokemon Mystery Dungeon...
Gumi: ... right...

[Both exit.]

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