Friday, April 27, 2012

Episode One Point Five: A New Addition and iPodification

A New Addition

Spaz has roped another one into the fandom! Our addition shall go by the name of Happy. Happy's first favorite Vocaloid song was Alice Human Sacrifice, and she also likes Imitation Black.

iPodification: How to get songs on your iPod

Or mp3 player of your choice, I suppose. 

I recommend that you try to find the songs on iTunes first, as that helps support the producer. It's also much easier. 

So let's say I want to find "Crime and Punishment" by DECO*27 and sung by Miku. What should I do? 
What I should not do is search "Hatsune Miku" on the iTunes store. That won't be very productive.
What I should do is search the producer name-- "DECO*27"
That's much more useful, as that pulls up all his albums, etc. 

Now what? I can't find "Crime and Punishment". However, there are some songs in romanized Japanese... so, that song might be one of those. Listening to the samples is important, because often the music arrangement and tuning is slightly different than the versions you find on Youtube/NND. 

So let's listen to some samples. I know "Crime and Punishment" is one of DECO*27's earlier songs, so it might be in his early albums. There it is! Under the name "Tsumi To Batsu". 

I know you can also find supercell's songs on iTunes ("World is Mine") and mothy/AkunoP has his albums there too (Daughter of Evil, etc) The songs most likely will be under different names, especially mothy's.

Now let's say you can't for the life of you find the song on iTunes. There is an answer to your problem! First you must find the original link-- the NicoNicoDouga version's URL. Most Youtube uploaders will provide it, or just the "sm" which is the important thing. But, you can also just copy the whole link. It will start with "" and after the sm will be the video identification. 

So find the NND link and copy it. 

Next you want to go to Nicosound, an mp3 converter for NND videos. You'll have to type in "" or just search "nicosound". 

This will take you to a confusing web page in Japanese. Do not fret! All you must to is past the NND link into the orangish box near the top and press the button with the words "MP3" in there. 

Huzzah! You will then be transported to another confusing Japanese page, but now you can see the video is there! Scroll down and click the third button below the graphy thing. That should start the download, which you can open in iTunes. 

Congratulations! You've downloaded your first Vocaloid song, either the simple way or the super-vocafan-pro way! Nicosound will be your best friend, especially if the song is recent and/or obscure. 

1 comment:

  1. Welcome, Happy! I know who you are... ;)

    Thanks, Spaz! Very helpful, seeing as I need to get Vocaloid songs on my iPod.
