Saturday, April 28, 2012

Episode Two Point Two Five: Mikupa 2012

Kaito's Concert Debut

"Mikupa" is a annual concert on March 9, also called the Thanksgiving Concert or some such. March ninth is also 3/9, which in Japanese can be read "mi-ku" or "san-kyu" (Thank You), so there's a concert at that time, with a live band and something like holograms. Here is complete footage of like Day 1 or something, with Miku, Luka, Rin, Len, and Kaito (!). 

Kaito is singing Pane Dhiria at around 1:21:00 if you just want to see him and don't have two hours, twelve minutes, and three seconds to spare. I still think he's dancing kinda like a girl in some parts... OTL But yes! This is an exciting moment for Kaito fangirls like me. 

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