Friday, May 18, 2012

Episode Five: In Which the Birthday Girl Fangirls A Lot

... title says it all! Hey, it's my birthday, I'm allowed to spaz out a bit. Or a lot. I have a feeling this professional aura will dissipate soon... But stuff still needs to get done! I shall cling to it as long as poss-- *twitch*-- possible. Anyways.

Featured Vocaloid

Our Featured Vocaloid is Kaito again! *stabbed by fork*  Luka Megurine! Her surname "Megurine" literally means "revolving sound", as she is the first Vocaloid to support phonemes for more than one language. She's bilingual, hypothetically-- she can sing in both Japanese and English. She's notable in that she actually has a bit of canon to her-- personality is "cool, somewhat mysterious" and she is 20 years old. (looks like Spaz's headcanon is revealed to be incorrect!) She is codenamed CV03-- distributed by Crypton Future Media. Her voice provider is Yuu Asakawa. Her most well-known roles are in Double Lariat, RIP=RELEASE, Magnet, Go Google It!, the Tailor in The Tailor Shop in Enbizaka, and "MA" or "The Sorceress of Time" in most of mothy's works. She is said to receive an Append sometime in the future with Kaito and Meiko. Her character item is a tuna. She is generally portrayed as a bit distant, collected, and more than a bit tsundere but less irritated and more stoic and sarcastic than Meiko. Her voice is actually a bit vulnerable, but it's beautiful when done well.

Featured Producer

This entry's Featured Producer is Shinjou-P, a member of a very endangered species-- decent Vocaloid1 producers! Shinjou-P is a painter that got caught up in the wave of Vocaloid popularity. Of course, in all her songs the illustrations are her own. She consistently produces (it's funny because...) awesome songs with Kaito, such as Pane Dhiria and Paru Nya. Notice something about those songs? Yes, they both feature a made-up language called "Hanamogera" that Shinjou-P created herself. What does it mean? I have no clue, I don't even think that she's fluent in it. Most of her songs are quite calm with an introspective air to them. Except for Unyapu. Anyways-- many of her songs remain untranslated. On the bright side though, all of Shinjou-P's albums can be found on iTunes! Kaito fangirls rejoice!

Vocaloid Vocabulary of the Week

Today's "Vocabulary" shall deal with some honorifics! 
-san is the typical honorific, used with acquaintances et cetera.
-chan is a typically female honorific, associated with cuteness and used with female close friends, generally
-kun is a typically male honorific, used with male peers especially friends and ones younger than you are
-sempai is "upperclassman" or "mentor" denoting respect
-sensei is "teacher" or again "mentor"
-sama is a honorific noting respect and humility on the speaker's part
-dono is another honorific noting respect but without the self-humbleness (Gakupo uses it in some talkloids)
-nii/niisan is literally referring to an older brother, also used for people who are like older brothers (i.e. the twins calling Kaito "Kaito-nii"). It's female counterpart is "nee/neesan". For extra respect add an "o" as in "oniisan"

*this is where the fangirl side of Spaz takes over* askdsja diogjawe9trua903nao d 

What's on Spaz's iPod?

RAINBOW GIRL sung by Kaito and the uploader didn't provide a name.. so. Yeah. It's a truly tragic story of a Vocaloid  dating game character. ... B-be quiet, it's cute.

The Classics

What's COLOR? by the Featured Producer, Shinjou-P is a intriguingly vague song about... colors? Hmmmm... *speculates color of fingernails*

Crowning Music of Awesome

Though he's more than a lot of a Villain Protagonist/Tragic Hero in Judgment of Corruption, the music remains crowning and awesome. I mean really. 

Crowning Music of Adorable

My Icecream is Melting is one of many parodies sung by Kaito, changing the lyrics to something about ice cream. It's a mix of Kaito being absolutely adorkable, a klutz, and a bit silly. Oh, and ice cream. There is a lot of ice cream in this. 

Crowning Music of Terror-Inducing Yandereness

"Story of a Poor Blue Rabbit" is so yandere and odd that I can't even really bring myself to find the link to it... 
Also, did you know that in the wild, when a rabbit is threatened in her nest she will actually eat her young? True story. Um... so yeah. 

Spotlight Cover (plus Duet!)

Okay, so Lost Destination by 150P is a cynical yet amazing song with Len's Act 1, Append Power, Cold, and Serious... times three. That means it's basically a twelve-Len chorus. So that's pretty awesome. 

What could make it even more awesome, you ask? Here's the answer: Kaito's (still in development!) Append Power and Whisper (!). Oh yes please. Plus a PV? Awesome xOVER 9000 COMBO. Here it is! Kaito and Len's Appends etc dueting in this superbly epic song. It is awesome. The whole way through. But especially around 4:20... Kaito's Whisper is the best~ *fangirl swoon*

Random Recommendation

... from me to you! Dear You is the best Happy-Birthday song ever. And it's by shigotoshiteP/hinayukki. And it's Kaito singing a Happy Birthday song..! Is that not the most adorable thing ever? I'm listening to it on repeat now...! Happy Birthday to me~


Even though Kaito's Append isn't finished yet, some producers have received a beta version of it, and it. is. awesome. 

Original "What's COLOR" above ---> Append Version (not as awesome, but sounds very real...)

Original "Pane Dhiria" above ---> SPTM Mix and Leap remix

FLOWER TAIL, a Kaito-chorus much like Len in Lost Destination above. 

 But wait! a! moment!

As you can see...

only two of the above songs are clearly labelled "Append Version"

which means that Spaz is being a tricky fangirl...

FLOWER TAIL and the different mixes of Pane Dhiria are all with Kaito's current, nonAppend voicebank!

Did I get you there? Did you think that they were brilliant Appends? or did you see right through it...? 

This proves Spaz's fangirliness, doesn't it ? Is it indeed fangirling if it is completely justified? Hm... Something to ponder...

End Note

Append-related tomfoolery aside, hopefully you all could enjoy it as much as I did through all that! I'm afraid next week will also be a bit of a unaverage post, as AZ is right around the corner!

Anyways, I'm off to bed~ *actually still listening to "Dear You"*

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