Saturday, May 12, 2012

Episode Four: Do The Twins Dream of Apocalyptic Scenarios?

Hey, looks like it's been around a month since I've started this! *throws confetti* Whoo~
Looks like we've got a jam-packed issue this week!

Featured Vocaloid

This week it's the famous Kagamine twins-- they're a package deal! Rin and Len Kagamine are our Featured Vocaloids. Their names are a pun on "Right" and "Left". Crypton at first described them as "two sides of a mirror" but due to internet backdraft changed it to them being twins, and then finally gave up and left it to interpretation. Their name "Kagamine" is literally "mirrored sound". They are both voiced by Asami Shimoda. They are codenamed CV02. Their most well-known roles are the Fourth Alices in Alice Human Sacrifice, the titular Daughter and Servant of Evil, Trick and Treat, Len being the protagonist in SPICE! and Fire Flower, and Rin in Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder and I Like You, I Love You. They are also known for Kokoro and Kokoro Kiseki. An "ACT2" version of their voicebanks was released shortly after their debut, which may or may not be seen as an improvement.  They also received Append voicebanks-- Len with Power, Cold, and Serious and Rin with Power, Warm, and Sweet. Their portrayals vary, but Rin is generally energetic and mischievous and Len is generally quieter yet equally mischievous. Len is also referred to as a "shota" in many instances and memetically dies in many songs. Even though Rin dies in more. They both have very high-pitched voices, though Len's is deeper and marginally more masculine. Ish. They are very popular in duets because they are sold as one product. As a whole, whenever they're not sounding screechy they can sing very good songs (especially tragedies...)

Featured Producer

Our Featured Producer is sasakure.UK. He wrote Campanella that was mentioned previously. Sasakure.UK is well-known for his apocalyptic scenarios, especially in his album Do Vocaloids Dream of Doomsday Bird? (don't ask). This album strung together a handful of songs apparently detailing a walk through the apocalypse. He has a very unique way of tuning the Vocaloids. As mentioned before, his first series is the Do Vocaloids Dream of Doomsday Bird. Now, with the song The Heap Princess and Apostrophe (watch out, it's a tearjerker)  and it's recent sequel Non-World Harmonize it seems that he's building another scenario of sorts. So you'd think that since he's so great at building these settings and such, he's be some sort of philosophical genius with insight dripping off his every word, right? Right? ... Take a look at some of his blog posts on this translator's tumblr. Here they are, there are three of them currently translated. Um. So yeah. I find this hilarious. 

Vocaloid Vocabulary 

Today's word shall be Kaito's fandom nickname as "Bakaito". So basically the Japanese word for "stupid", "idiot", or "moron" is "Baka". And then combined with Kaito's name is "Bakaito". So it's basically "stupid Kaito" for when he's just being oblivious or whatever.

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Old Radio , sung by Kaito and by the producer マカーP. 
It's interesting, even though not much is said about the setting you have to wonder....

The Classics

Just Be Friends, sung by Luka and by Dixie Flatline. 

Crowning Music of Awesome

Our 16bit Wars, in which Gumi levels up in awesomeness. It's by sasakure.UK, our Featured Producer. Note that in the beginning there is some language. It's a bit vague...

Crowning Music of Sad

If * Hello, Planet didn't get you, how about it's more melancholy twin, *Sayonara, World End? *sniff* especially when... it's like... "ohayo, hayo"... 

Crowning Music of What?!

Lost and Found sung by Miku and by our Featured Producer. ... Yeah, it's a bit... odd...

Spotlight Cover

Meiko's cover of Mozaik Role (ignore the awkward picture OTL) with Kaito joining in on the background is very good. 

Random Recommendation

Panda Hero sung by Gumi and by the producer Hachi, who also penned Matryoshka. I don't know. But it's awesome. 

Recent News

Nothing much to report asides from the Weekly Vocaloid Ranking.

BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE: Bonus Category

So here's sasakure.UK's series Do Vocaloids Dream of Doomsday Bird.

Campanella sung by Gumi

Our 16bit Warz sung by Gumi

WANDERLAST sung by Luka

* Hello, Planet and * Sayonara, World End sung by Miku

So there.

End Note

So there ya go! *falls asleep*

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