Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Episode Three Point Five: It's a Stable Time Loop x2 Combo!

Well, really it's a scenario hosting two coexisting yet competing stable time loops along with a silent witness that may or may not actually be perpetuating the temporal oddities... eh, timey-wimey wibbly-wobbly stuff. *Spaz shot for referencing Doctor Who in a Vocaloid fandom*

What? Ah, yes. The reason I'm posting here is to show you guys an up-and-coming producer called Jin and his series called the "Kagerou Project". It's getting a novelization and a manga (that we probably won't be able to see). Apparently there will be an album called "Blindfold City Days/Daze" out the 30th of May (that hopefully we'll be able to get) These six songs (of thirteen, the rest will be in the album i guess) are part of that series. Of course, I'll have to preface it with an overlong story...

Once upon a time, there was a Vocafan named Spaz. Spaz was a... dedicated... let's say, a very obsessed dedicated Vocafan who braved the depths of NicoNicoDouga et cetera, but one day she was watching the Weekly Vocaloid Ranking as usual.

Of course, yet another song was trending, stubbornly sticking onto the Vocaran for several weeks. Something that Google translate called "Heat-Haze Days" or something. It didn't even have much of a PV, just a confusing picture with what looked like street signs and blood spatters and some guy.

Anyways, Spaz dismissed it and just went on with life. Of course the song popped up again in one of her Youtube perusals, so she clicked on it. Add in Spaz's fascination with temporal oddities such as stable time loops... she couldn't stop listening to it. And then she found the PV to it and it was amazing. So there was that, and then there was a period of relative inactivity in the Vocafandom for Spaz. Then she got back into Vocaloid, again finding the song + PV and enjoying it-- and, what's this?! Two other songs she enjoyed... and some more... and the song she just found... they were all connected?! How delightfully mothy-esque!

Anyways, the actual songs:

In semi-chronological-order-by-the-order-they-were-posted-ish, here are Jin's songs. If you can't tell how they're connected, don't worry, the last song makes it a bit less vague. 

Artificial Enemy, sung by Miku. The meaning is vague... and it's a bit high-pitched... but hang on. 

Blindfold Code, sung by Miku. Still, it's obscure, but hold onto where it mentions red eyes... and coming in from the cold, maybe...

Headphone Actor, sung by IA. This one actually was pretty popular for a while after. How odd, the "Actor" has red eyes... file that for later. And headphones, where was that...? And an artificial town...

Kagerou Days, also known as Heat Haze Days, sung by Miku. This is the song that launched itself in front for all to see... what is this? Certainly a tragedy! Fascinating...

Imagination Forest, sung by IA. It's oddly calming compared to the others, also taking place in a forest instead of a city... Red eyes? Sh, stop crying, you're okay. Someone coming in... and at the end, is that the girl from Blindfold Code? Puzzling... 

Konoha's State of the World, sung by IA and Miku. Some bits are tantalizingly close to Kagerou Days... and there they are... this Konoha character has red eyes and white hair like... another cityscape (the same?) Hm... and at the end! Those eyes! That's definitely them, and-- who are those others?!

Theorizing, Questions, et cetera

Coherency Warning, Only Theory Warning, Nonsense Warning, etc. You don't have to read this. 

Okay. So the characters with red eyes are the Actor, Mari from Imagination Forest, and Konoha. Konoha and Mari look very much alike, but Konoha looks almost robotic, so... 

All of the red eyed characters are aware of their situation-- the Actor and Konoha learn/know of a sort of fabrication to the city they live in, and Mari knows her problems and accepts them at the end. Are they related? Similar DNA? 

Imagination Forest is really very different from the rest of them. It's calm and in a forest. Could it be the first song chronologically, in the story? So where did the other red eye characters come from? They're in the city. People in I.F. seemed to either be scared of Mari or wanted to kidnap her for some reason... State of the World mentioned experimentation and Headphone Actor has scientists at the end. Could the other red eye characters be clones? But Actor has black hair. Maybe Konoha's a clone? He was hooked up to something in the PV. 

So the city in State of the World seems to be synthetic. Same with H.A. They could be the same. And it seems similar to setting in all the others save for I.F. 
They could be connected by that artificial city... 

And what did it mean when Konoha talked about rewriting the future, but those eyes? Looked like Mari's mom's eyes when she did the Medusa thing... Could there be something powerful in these red eye characters? Maybe it wasn't really a turn-to-stone thing, maybe it was stop-in-time thing, so scientists experimented with that factor in Kagerou Days? Or something? I don't know?

Maybe Artificial Enemy, Blindfold Code, and Imagination Forest take place closer to each other in chronology? Theory: A.E. is about the scientists in some way, or something? B.C. is how the boy found Mari, and before B.C. is when the scientists learned about the weird red eye power? And I.F. details the life of Mari before the scientists remembered her existence...? At the end of State of the World she's got blood on her and she's crying, poor thing... what happened?

Let's move to Kagerou Days now. Keeping in mind my theories above, this could be a sort of experiment by the scientists. It could even be the main experiment, depending if that lyric from State of the World was about this or about Konoha. So it's two stable time loops-- the girl's and the boy's. They're trying to break their time loops by saving the other by getting killed. Like Inception. Kind of. But then, when the boy saves the girl it triggers the girl's time loop... So. It seems like the boy's time loop is August 15 and the girl's is August 14, because the two times it said it was the 14th-- the girl got impaled and the boy thought she was smiling (= she saved him by running out under the pole) and when she woke up after the boy saved her, saying that she failed again. The 15th is perhaps the first of the boy's time loop. Did they happen at the same time? How did it happen? It almost seems as if the Heat-Haze, the dark version of the boy in the PV, is somewhat in control of something, along with the girl's Heat-Haze... but he was crying when the boy saved the girl? It could have just been the first time and the shock of it... Is there a way out of the stable time loops for them? 

Also, the lyric from State of the World: something like "backing up a life" or something-- could Konoha be unintentionally perpetuating the stable time loops? He's forced to watch them. Is there a possibility Konoha is the Heat-Haze? Or maybe Konoha is the boy from Kagerou Days...? Or maybe he has his memories? Or maybe he's experiencing it from his perspective and mind? 

and... and... and... I'm going to stop theorizing before I drop dead from lack of sleep.

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