Saturday, June 16, 2012

Episode Nine: SF-A524

I make sense. Oh yes. I make so much sense. Anyways, before I succumb to HetaOni and writings, have some blogstuffs!

Featured Vocaloid

Our Featured Vocaloid today is SF-A2 miki, or for sAnIty's sake we'll call her Miki. She's the eighth Japanese Vocaloid, and AH-Software's first. Well, technically she, Kiyoteru, and Yuki were all released at the same time, but she was announced first. Thus she is also the first in AH's "Vocal Artist" series. Her voice provider is Miki Furukawa. Her character items appears to be a cherry. Her notable songs are few and far between, but it seems her most recognizable songs are iNSaNiTY, Satellite, Lience, and DIVE INTO BLUE. It seems she's a tad bit under-appreciated. Her typical portrayal varies, but generally her oddly robotic design is taken into account, making her either a robot/android or an alien. Generally she seems to be a cheerful, curious girl, if a bit of a ditz. Or insane. You never know. It's a mystery~ anyways. Her voice is... it's got a cool sound to it, I suppose it's rather unique, if a tad nasal. She sounds best in the lower soprano range. 

Featured Producer

Our Featured Producer is Hachi, responsible for Matryoshka, Panda Hero, Wonderland and the Sheep's Song, and the like. His real name is Kenshi Yonezu and he's released an non-Vocaloid, self-singing album called diorama recently. His lyrics are... odd. He seems to be a kind of peculiar person in general. There are about a bajillion different ways to interpret his songs. He typically uses Miku for his songs... so much that in Panda Hero, where Gumi sings, he accidentally put "Miku" as the singer. Whoops. Anyways, most of his songs are definitely worth a listen.

Vocaloid Vocabulary

What else is there to explain? o.o; I really don't have a clue. Um... eh, how about this.
So this is kind of a weird fandom-in-general thing, but when a character-- or a certain version of a character-- is easily defined by a single word. Like... say for instance someone wrote a fanfic where for some bizarre, unexplainable reason, Kaito was a tsundere. This iteration of his character would then be referred to as Tsundere!Kaito. The "!" functions as a sort of... modifier? I can't grammar, I am sorry. But you see? Like, Hyper!Rin and Len, Drunk!Miku, BoyBand!Vocaloids, Human!Vocaloids, Android!Vocaloids, FormerlyHuman!Vocaloids. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

What's on Spaz's iPod?

iNSaNiTY, sung by Miki and Kaito in there too. It's by Circus-P, a rare well-known American producer.

A Classic of All Classics to Rendezvous?

Matryoshka, sung by Miku and Gumi, and by our Featured Producer, Hachi. 524, Freud? Keloid? Just play the tune...

Crowning Music of Awesome

Astral Domination, sung by Rin and Len, by Yamaji. It's apparently about aliens. Great song to rock out too. 

Crowning Music of Conspiracy...?

Super Hero sung by Len and by the producer Nem-- also, it appears the PV is also by the same person who did Ah, It's a Wonderful Cat's Life. The first verse/chorus will have you going "I'm a super hero!" along with 'em, but then near the end, you have to wonder, like a commenter-- So, is Len really like America of Hetalia, or Light of Death Note? stop making weird anime references spaz 

Crowning Music of Tsundere

TRI△NGLE LO▽E sung by our Featured Vocaloid, the producer as... Sugiharu and Enicy? Ok then. 

Spotlight Duet  Group Song

First Love Academy:School of True Love again by Nem. Len, Rin, and Gumi sing this... evidently Gumi's a guy in this song. No, really. It certainly seems so, at least. Anyways.

Spotlight Cover

Miki's cover of Black★Rock Shooter is pretty good... ignore the language in the description >.<

Random Recommendation

DIVE INTO BLUE by our Featured Vocaloid and ItachimaP. Now everyone knows the word for "blue" in Japanese is "Ao", right? Right. Alllright.

Recent News

Gakupo's Extend was released a few days ago, with a "Native", "Whisper", and "Power" voicebank.

End Note

*falls over*

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