Thursday, June 28, 2012

Episode Something or other: Simple Housecleaning

Just some stuff.

For one the text color is starting to annoy me. Too dark! So that may change. Or I may just flip a table and change the entire blog layout or something! *shrugs*

Um, so, yeah. I realized some more information about me, the writer of this stuff, would be relevant-ish.

So! I'm Spaz, as you may know. I've considered myself a Vocaloid fan for... two years or so? Something like that.

Biased Towards: KAITO (major fangirl here), KaiMei, Rin, Len, MEIKO, and Gumi. I like most musical genres, most of the stuff on my iPod is pop-ish, rock-ish, or electronic-ish. My favored producers are hinayukki, Hachi, Shinjou-P, wowaka, DECO*27, mothy, Jin, WonderfulOpportunity (Jesus-P), Manbo-Dead-Behind-The-House-P... not a complete list, but you know. Oh! I'm also partial to crossovers with other fandoms I like.

I Don't Really Like: Gakupo (my apologies), yaoi, yuri, gore, explicit lyrics, NSFW stuff... yeah. Not a complete list, but that's what I can think of.

Pet Peeves: Unsubbed songs, favoring fanmades over originals (as in, "akaito is so much better than kaito!!1!!1!!1one!". that makes me very sad.), 'also if i see another suggestive kailen picture under the kaito tag on tumblr i think i'm going to flip a table or something , the Vocaloid "fandumb"

Other Fandoms I Consider Myself in: (Anime/Manga:) Hetalia, Durarara!!, Baccano!, (Video Games:) Portal 1 and 2, Pokemon, HetaOni, (TV Show:) Doctor Who, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, (Other:) Homestuck, Alice in Wonderland, Paranatural, et cetera. I... probably forgot one. Oh well.

So as you can see, there's weaknesses here. Like you know, I'm not going to be up on the latest news/song with Gakupo.

Also, it's time to cite my sources!

For the Featured Vocaloid stuff, I usually go to TVTropes' Character page for Vocaloid for some refreshers on facts I've forgotten. So there. The Vocaloid Wiki is helpful at times as well, along with Vocaloidism.

So! That's that as far as I can tell.

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