Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Episode Six: Purple Eggplant Man Runs for 40m

what. what. what. that didn't even make sense...
sorry this is so lateeeee *falls over*
i apologize in advance for this episode's sleepiness and general cruddiness orz

Featured Vocaloid

So this edition's Featured Vocaloid is Gackpoid, whose actual character name is Gakupo Kamui. As you may guess from his name, he is voiced by the popular singer Gackt. He is the first Vocaloid distributed by Internet Co., Ltd. His character item is an eggplant. His more well-known songs include Dancing Samurai, The Madness of Duke Venomania, and that whole VanaN'Ice thing with Len and Kaito. Also apparently cosmo/BousouP has something going on with him as Dr. Realist. It's been rumored that he will sometime in the future receive an Extend version. Also there was this whole contest thing where... I'm not exactly sure, but it ended up with Gackt cosplaying as Gakupo and covering Gakupo's "Episode 0". Something like that. Sorry, I don't really know that much about him. He's either portrayed as a serious business samurai or as a samurai-wannabe who's a bit goofy. And maybe a tad flirtatious. He's got a deeper voice like Kaito's. If not done well it has this too-heavy feel to it, but according to my resources he can actually have a nice, rich voice when he is tuned well. 

Featured Producer

40mP~ he's a lyrics-orientated producer. He tends to have emotional songs that sometimes hit pretty dang close to home. A few years ago he got married to Nico singer Chano and last year they had a kid. Which is adorable, by the way. His well-known works include Left-Behind CityKarakuri Pierrot, and Eye Examination

Vocaloid Vocabulary

As Hetalia fans may tell you, "Hetare" means clumsy, useless, awkward, et cetera in Japanese. It on occasion can be used in portmanteau, like "Hetalia" to parody... useless Italia. Yeah. So if you see something like "Bakaito and Heta-len" you'll now know it's "Stupid Kaito and Useless Len".
... yeah. (Hetaspaz? Bakaspaz?)

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Delusion Sketch by our Featured Producer and sung by Miku. 

The Classics

The World is Mine by supercell, I think, and sung by the numberone diva in the whole wide world Miku.

Crowning Music of Awesome

Jewel, by Shinjou-P and sung by Kaito. It's awesome and perhaps a touch yandere. Oh, and since I can't find a subbed version of that PV, have some eng translation!

Crowning Music of Sad

Not so much sad as depression->melancholy->hope, but here's Deep-Sea Girl by Yuuyu and sung by Miku. 

Crowning Music of Freaking Adorable Cuteness

Do-Re-Mi-Fa Rondo by our Featured Producer and sung by Miku. It's so. Cute. And yes, those are references to other songs in there! 

Spotlight Cover and Duet

Remember Ah, It's a Wonderful Cat's Life from last edition? No? Well go watch the real version and then now you may see 96neko-- aka the personification of crazy Len fangirls-- and Len duet in a... different... version of it. 

Random Recommendation

Circus Monster is surprisingly, an english song sung by Luka.

End Note 


i am really surprised at how well that worked. 

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