Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's Gakupo's Birthday!

Well, yesterday was at least! *dodges tomatoes thrown* aaaagh don't kill me blame... um... kouri.

Aaaanyways! Happy Birthday, Gakupo! *throws purple confetti*

Just recently, our favorite samurai-wannabe got an Append  Extend version on the Vocaloid3 engine, so expect more awesome songs from him~!

To celebrate, have a talkloid and an eggplant.


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Episode Fifteen: Nyanyanyanyanya!

Ohsnapsorryit'slate. I kind of... yeah and I'm a bit sleepy and Ib and /excuses excuses

Featured Vocaloid

Our Featured Vocaloid is Iroha Nekomura, the fourteenth Japanese Vocaloid distributed by AH-Software. Technically, she was a character before she was a Vocaloid-- a video game project involving Hello Kitty is where she technically originates from. Thus, she's described as a Hello Kitty fangirl and her design seems to invoke that kind of cat-ish feel. Her voice is actually kind of deep. This led into criticism because her voice didn't seem to match her design, however others asserted she was only tomboyish. Fanon follows up on this, she seems to be a fiercely energetic girl. Like most of the new Vocaloids, she has few originals, but there are some out there... Behind the Door (hinayukki/Shigotoshite-P), Stray Cat Avenue (Sasasa-P), and a duet with Kaito in Key of Destruction and the Lullaby (Shigotoshite-P). As you can see, she's an alto but her higher notes can sound good as well.

Featured Producer

Does this look and sound familiar? Well, that's actually a UTAU-- Momo Momone-- covering a song by our featured producer, daniwell-P! The original was sung by Miku. Yes, that's Miku. Daniwell-P is known for his catchy, bright, and cheery songs, such as Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! as seen above. Other songs by daniwell-P include Electrical Parade Remix

Vocaloid Vocabulary

This is dealing with UTAU Voicebanks. 

CV: Consonant-vowel. That is, the way phonemes work in CV voicebanks is consonant-vowel.
VCV: Vowel-consonant-vowel. This allows for smoother pronunciation and overall a more human-sounding voicebank.

This may also have to do with the fact that "Triphones" are in the Vocaloid3 engine. 

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Bonus Stage, by Owata-P and sung by Rin and Len.


Nekomimi Switch, by our Featured Producer daniwell-P and sung by Miku. 

Crowning Music of Awesome

Neko Neko ☆ Super Fever Night by samfree and sung by our Featured Vocaloid. It's super catchy and will stick in your head for ages.

Crowning Music of Cute

This MMD video featuring Meiko, Kaito, and lots of the other Vocaloids is quite cute. Very, very cute. I laugh every time Rin whacks Len XD

Crowning Cover of... Opera?

Iroha's cover of Ave Maria

More Awesome Covers

Spanish Vocaloid Bruno covers "Bad Apple" in Spanish. 

Oh look, a wild Iroha Panda Hero cover appeared! It is super awesome.

Random Recommendation

Difficult Love sung by Gumi and by Takanon (illust. by Tama)

Recent News

A new Vocaloid 3 has been announced! She's canonically Lapis Aoki's sister with somewhat of an evil side. Her name is Merli and holy carp she's tan. That's pretty cool. 


sorry for latenessss *falls over*

i kind of--

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Episode Fourteen: The Appearance of a Green Dinosaur

At first this afternoon I was like "what am I supposed to do to pass time?" and right in the middle of pinterest I remembered OH SNAP BLOG ENTRY TONIGHT--!

Featured Vocaloid

Our Featured Vocaloid is Gachapoid, also known as Ryuto. He's based off of "Gachapin", who is apparently a character in a popular Japanese TV show for kids... I think...? So, he resembles that character. He also has a anthropomorphic design which most people use. He's the thirteenth Japanese Vocaloid distributed by Internet Co., Ltd. He was intended to appeal to younger producers, and his voice is very childish. ... I'm terribly sorry, but I can't find any original Gachapoid songs. Have a talkloid instead. (language warning). Because of his childish voice, he sounds quite cute but it's difficult to have him sing like a professional singer.

Featured Producer

The Featured Producer is Bousou-P, also known as cosMo. cosMo is especially known for the Disappearance of Hatsune Miku, which is part of a whole series dedicated to an interpretation of a Vocaloid's birth, life, and death. Pretty interesting stuff. Other series he's made are "The Fantastic Garden" and "Dr. Realist". Lots of his songs are almost impossibly fast, pushing the limits of the Vocaloid program itself. 


"Aka" means red, "Kage" means shadow, "Ki" means yellow... where am I going with this? The many colors of the Kaito fanmades, right? Right! There's about a whole lot of them, but the major ones are:

Akaito: Red, likes chili peppers, a bit of a delinquent. (one step lower)
Kikaito: Yellow, cheerful and a sunny personality *ba-dum-ching* (two steps lower)
Nigaito: Green, likes green tea, often sick. (two steps higher)
Taito: Purple, character item is an ice pick, a "yandeloid" (one step higher)
Zeito: Like Zatsune is to Hatsune.  (?? steps higher)
Kageito: Kaito's shadow. Curious, childish, lonely.(distorted)

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Gekkou Total Eclipse sung by Kaito and by Machigeriita-P. Tuning isn't great, but something about it is catchy...

The Classics

Fire Flower sung by Len and by halyosy. This will also get stuck in your head.

Crowning Music of Awesome

Leaping from 0 to Eternity, one of cosMo's most recent songs that, surprisingly, wraps up the Disappearance series. It seems to be in preparation for Miku's birthday.

Crowning Music of Whatever

Whatever! by buriru-P and sung by Miku. Title says it all. 

Crowning "Music" of Funny

Well, there is a "song" in it. But mostly this thing by UmeboshiP is Kagamine Len Just Being Annoying..

Spotlight Duet

Nem and Tama strike again in Phantom Thieves Peter and Jenny, with Rin and Len. 

And then OwataP and SyujinP present Youth Government Agency, with Rin and Len (+ Kaito in speaking parts) (also read description for translation enlightenment) (this is really cute)

Random Recommendation

Teto's "Whisper Append" cover of Hirari, Hirari is really really pretty.

Recent News

Miku Flick 2 has been announced! This time with Rin and Luka, songs like Love is War, magnet, Meltdown, and Just Be Friends! Still expensive, though, dunno when it'll come out... 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Episode Thirteen Point Three Nine: Headcanon and Fanfiction

Hey again!

I've decided that, at least in my mind, there are two general world-headcanons.
And depending on which one you ascribe to the most, it affects things like songs and fanfiction and whatever.

1. Single-Vocaloid 

Basically, that there's only one KAITO, MEIKO, Hatsune Miku, et cetera. 


All the Vocaloids live in the same house, or at least neighborhood. 

They may be robots or android. 

They have "normal" personalities, that aren't directly tied to one song or another. 

They work with producers and record songs, or write their own songs. though that last one makes me twitch

They may or may not act in PVs/photoshoots/et cetera.

- This streamlines Vocaloid/Vocaloid interaction in general
- Does not usually address the software/technical side of VOCALOID
- Allows for many, many references to songs and such
- Fanmades are generally included somewhere in there.
- Most fanfiction use this headcanon. 

2. Multiple Vocaloids

Basically, there are multiple KAITO's, Miku's, Gumi's, et cetera. 


The Vocaloids are distributed like their software is distributed in real life.

Thus, they live with whoever bought them. I.e. producers, who are referred to as "master" when this concept is in a song.

Their personalities differ for varying reasons. One KAITO unit may be Yandere while another is completely normal.

They're robots/androids/etc. 

They only sing the songs their producer writes. Such is the case with PVs. 

- This simplifies Vocaloid/producer interaction, but complicates Vocaloid/Vocaloid interaction.
- Addresses the technical side of VOCALOID quite nicely.
- Allows for self-insert fics and self-deprecating humor on the part of the producer.
- Fanmades are generally not included, but on occasion they are.
- Lots of songs and talkloids use this headcanon.

To use examples:

If you wanted to write a fanfiction about the Crypton Vocaloid Family, then the Single Vocaloid Headcanon is the best one.

If you wanted to write a fanfiction about Miku and wowaka's interaction, then both the Single Vocaloid Headcanon and the Multiple Vocaloid Headcanon work. 

If you wanted to write a self-insert fanfiction about yourself and your IA software's interaction, then the Multiple Vocaloid Headcanon works. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Episode Thirteen: There's a Dead Flower in my Backyard...

Hey guys! Feels like it's been a while. A week, or so. Ha. Anyways! On with the show~
I just realized-- apparently we're on the 12th Japanese Vocaloid but it's episode 13? o.o

Featured Vocaloid

Our Featured Vocaloid is VY1, codename "Mizki", which is a reference to a kind of flower, hanamizuki if I'm not mistaken. VY1... has no canon associated, but described as "feminine". We'll call her Mizki. Yamaha distributed her themselves, as the twelfth Japanese Vocaloid. She and her counterpart-of-sorts VY2 were intended to be more professional-use software. Whether that really happened or not is up to interpretatio-- *cough*Miku*coughcough*. Sorry. Anyways. A contest was held on Pixiv (?) for whoever could come up with the best design for her and VY2, and this was the winning entry. Some of her songs are Handwritten MapInvitation... One of her most well-known songs is Cyber Thunder Cider and a duet with VY2 in Hurting for a Very Hurtful Pain, both by EZFG. Her voicebank is really nice, I can say that I've never heard a bad VY1 song... She's also got a V3 voicebank and was included in a starter package.

Featured Producer

The Featured Producer is *deep breath* Manbo-Dead-Behind-The-House-P. As expected, he got his name from one of his songs, A Sunfish is Dead Behind My House. Yeah. Lots of his songs are... long-winded title wise. And very quirky. His sister illustrates a lot of his recent PVs. Some of his well-known songs are 15 Years Pursuing a Cute Boy (VY2 had a cover of this), When I Get Home My Wife Always Pretends to be Dead, and Time-Warped After Chopping My Stag Beetle. He uses VY2 and Gumi as of late, and also Miku in his early stuff and VY1 on occasion. 


Okay! So, depending on which region of Japan you're in, Tanabata is celebrated on either July or August 7th. It originates in a Chinese myth of Orihime and Hikoboshi, associated with the stars Vega and Altair. Orihime was a weaver princess, Hikoboshi was a cow herder prince. They became a couple but they were to busy being all lovey-dovey to do their jobs, so the gods separated them across the Amanogawa River (read: Milky Way). They were only allowed to meet on the night of the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, and only if it was clear and not raining. Why am I rambling about this? Well, our Featured Producer recently made a mini-series focused on this. Of course, this is Manbo-P we're talking about, so it's got spurts of weirdness, quirkiness, surprising emotion, and such.

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Singing Earth by shigotoshite-P and sung by Kaito. 

A Classic

Secret Police, by Biriru-P and sung by Miku. May or may not induce mild to severe paranoia.

Crowning Music of Awesome

Love Philosophia, by kurousa (read: Cantarella, Thousand Sakura) and sung by Miku. look at that card she weighs 93 lbs NOT FAIR

Crowning Music of Conspirac Happiness!

Presented by Utata-P and sung by Hatsune Miku, This is the Committee of Happiness and Relief! 

Crowning Music of Cuteness

I Like You, I Love You by JevanniP and sung by Rin. It's so cute. The PV is cute. 

Spotlight Duet

8 HIT by Wonderful Opportunity and sung by Rin and Len is ridiculously motivating. 

Spotlight Cover

... 96neko, are you okay? Her cover of This is the Committee of Happiness and Relief is a bit crazy. Just a bit. A tad. A liiiiitle teeny bit. Yeah. 

Random Recommendation 

That's Not Enough, by Dwurugitaa-P and sung by Gumi, with Kaito, Len, and Gakupo as backup-singers. It's really cute.

End Note

Well, nothing much recent-news wise. Sorry!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Episode Twelve: Cubes and Lilies

... Yeah, not really making sense is it? Sorry for the lateness. I kind of... forgot what day it was yesterday.

Featured Vocaloid

Lily, the eleventh Japanese Vocaloid, distributed by Internet Co. Ltd.. Matsuda Yuri is her seiyuu. Her design was actually done by KEI, who designed the Crypton Character Vocal series as well-- Miku, Rin, Len, Luka. She was publicized with a video "Schwarzgazer" that had her and her friend Mosh fighting a dark force with the power of music. Her character item is undecided, but maybe lemons or something? She doesn't have many songs, it seems, but the more famous ones are +REVERSE and Chloe. Lily is portrayed as more of a punk girl, standoffish and very independent. Her voice has a sort of "lead singer", assertive quality to it. She sounds good in more rock-ish songs. Really, she's one of those Vocaloids that seem to have fallen through the cracks for absolutely no reason...

Featured Producer

The Featured Producer is kemu! Kemu is a fairly new producer who recently began coming out with high-paced, high-energy, rockish raveish songs that stick on the ratings forever. He's also known to always have a rotating cube thing in the PVs. Kemu made A Tale of Six Trillion Years and One NightInvisible (weird outfit warning), Life Reset ButtonIkasame Life Game, et cetera.

Vocaloid Vocabulary

Project Diva, Project Mirai, and Miku Flick are all rhythm games, but Project Diva is the most well-known. They're Vocaloid rhythm games, basically. Project Diva's for PS3, Project Mirai's for 3DS, and Miku Flick is for iPhone/iPod. However, the first two appear to be region locked. Miku Flick is pretty expensive for an app. Project Diva has its own PVs and costumes for the Vocaloids' songs. (that may or may not be easier to cosplay... *mumbles something about meiko's nostalogic outfit*)

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Left and Right, by koushirou and sung by Miku. At first, some people thought it was wowaka... but then everyone realized there was an actual PV. Sadly, the subs seem to have vanished.

Classic-ish Song

Hirari Hirari is sung by Miku's Append, and was one of the firsts. It's beautiful.

Crowning Music of Awesome

Thousand Sakura, sung by Miku and by the producer kurousa (see: Cantarella). The PV is dead-on awesome, which likely contributed to the fact that... well... since the first week it was released, in the middle of last year, it's pretty much been on the Weekly Vocaloid Rankings since then. 

Crowning Music of Optimism (?)

Kinda. Glorious World by papiyon, sung by Miku. Awesome PV. Awesome jackets. Yeah.

Crowning Music of Thematicness

The Earth's Final Confession sung by Gumi (probably V3) and by kemu (see the cube?) is the producer's most recent song. I just realized a lot of kemu's songs have to do with living forever/life/etc.

Spotlight Duet

Karakuri Burst is really intense, guys. It's sung by our favorite Appended twins, and by... oh! Hello, Hitoshizuku-P, and the same people you did that awesome Bad End Night PV with! 

Spotlight Cover

Kaito and Meiko's cover of, yeah, that song above-- Karakuri Burst-- is pretty awesome. PV and everything. Also Kaito's low voice. And Meiko's voice is really suited to this song. 

Random Recommendation

Yuuma's cover of Hirari Hirari is pretty dang splendid if you ask me. 

End Note

Eh, couldn't fine a .gif of it, so have a pic.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Episode Eleven Point Five: July Fourth!

Yeah! Today's America's Birthday! the Fourth of July, so! Obligatory Hetalia post, where it really is America's birthday! Kind of.

But obviously, this is a vocaloid blog... thus... crossover!

Let's start off with some Hetaloid, UTAUs made with voice samples from the countries' seiyuus! It's not a good method for high-quality voicebanks, just because the whole process and such, but there are a few good ones out there.

Anyways, here's Panda Hero, or at least a parody of it, sung by Russialoid. Ko- ko- kol, ko-ko- kolkol

And then, a parody of Romeo and Cinderella with Japanloid, about... eh, sodium intake and high blood pressure? I'm not sure. Oh, I think there's a few France moments in there near the end. Like, the four and a half-minute mark.

And now we can move onto some more Vocaloids singing stuff.

Like this, "Seven Weeks War" referring obviously to a war. One between Austria and Prussia, featuring Kaito as Austria and Gakupo as Prussia. Pffft. Amusing and educational!

And here we have several Hetalia character songs (read: seiyuus singing a song about/ in the point of view of their characters yay) covered by Kaito.
We've got Russia's Winter and Pechka ~ My Heart Has A Light
and then Prussia's Mein Gott (pfft "ore-sama" XD )
along with North Italy's Let's Boil Hot Water!
and, finally, Spain's version of the Delicious Tomato Song. Which is ironic, because there's that other song... Anyways!

So finally a patriotic thingy for Independence Day, right? Right. Of course.

It's America Hetaloid's cover of Fire Flower. Like a Fiiire Flower~

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Episode Eleven: In Which Another Recap is Given

Hey guys! Today's a recap episode, in case ya missed something.

Featured Vocaloids

Gakupo, the deep-voiced samurai!

Gumi, the cheerful carrot-loving girl who's birthday was a few days ago! *throws confetti*

SF-A2 Miki, the robotic-looking, cherry-loving girl!

Kiyoteru, the tenor teacher!

Featured Producers

40m-P: Left Behind City, Do Re Mi Fa Rondo, Karakuri Pierrot

wowaka: Rollin' Girl, Unhappy Refrain, World End Dancehall

Hachi: Matryoshka, Panda Hero, Wonderland and the Sheep's Song

Pantan-P: Have You All to Myself! Summer Girl, Flowers Bloom in the Night Sky Please Summer, Again Again

Voca-bulary Words

Hetare: useless, awkward, clumsy

Seiyuu: voice actor, voice provider

modifier !

Sensei: teacher, etc

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Delusion Sketch (40mP, Miku)

Rollin' Girl (wowaka, Miku)

iNSaNiTY (Circus-P, Miki and Kaito)

Remote Control (Wonderful Opportunity, Rin and Len)


World is Mine (supercell, Miku)

World's End Dancehall (wowaka, Miku and Luka)

Matryoshka (Hachi, Miku and Gumi)

Monochro Blue Sky (?, Miku)

Crowning Musics of Awesome

Jewel (Shinjou-P, Kaito)

Unhappy Refrain (wowaka, Miku)

Astral Domination (Yamaji, Rin and Len)

Crowning Musics of Sad

Deep-Sea Girl (Yuuyu, Miku)

Time Forgotten One (hinayukki, Kaito)

The Summer I Can't See You (Pantan-P, Len, Gakupo, Kiyoteru, Kaito)

Crowning Musics of Cute

Do Re Mi Fa Rondo (40mP, Miku)

Flowers Bloon in the Night Sky Please Summer! (Pantan-P, VocaBoyBand)

Again Again (see above)

Crowning Musics of Et Cetera

"The Near Future City" (That PV with Meiko and Miku and the others)

Super Hero (nem, Len)

Triangle Love (Sugiharu and Enicy, Miki)

Spotlight Duet/Group Song

96Neko and Len's Ah, It's a Wonderful Cat's Life

Rin and Len's World's End Dancehall

Rin and Len's Unhappy Refrain

Gumi, Rin, and Len's First Love Academy, School of True Love 

America and Canada's Brother Complex (Remote Control parody)

Spotlight Cover

Kaito's World's End Dancehall

Kaito's Rolling Girl (+rap)

Miki's Black Rock Shooter

Giga-P's remix and Luka's Karakuri Pierrot

Random Recommendations

Circus Monster (Circus-P, Luka)

DualSoul (Meiko and Gumi)

DIVE INTO BLUE (Itachima-P, Miki)

Oliver's cover of Speed of Sound

Recent News

Gumi's Birthday, Sweet Ann's Birthday, Gakupo's Extend, Gumi English announced, and I think a Galaco demo appeared too?

End Note