Sunday, July 15, 2012

Episode Thirteen Point Three Nine: Headcanon and Fanfiction

Hey again!

I've decided that, at least in my mind, there are two general world-headcanons.
And depending on which one you ascribe to the most, it affects things like songs and fanfiction and whatever.

1. Single-Vocaloid 

Basically, that there's only one KAITO, MEIKO, Hatsune Miku, et cetera. 


All the Vocaloids live in the same house, or at least neighborhood. 

They may be robots or android. 

They have "normal" personalities, that aren't directly tied to one song or another. 

They work with producers and record songs, or write their own songs. though that last one makes me twitch

They may or may not act in PVs/photoshoots/et cetera.

- This streamlines Vocaloid/Vocaloid interaction in general
- Does not usually address the software/technical side of VOCALOID
- Allows for many, many references to songs and such
- Fanmades are generally included somewhere in there.
- Most fanfiction use this headcanon. 

2. Multiple Vocaloids

Basically, there are multiple KAITO's, Miku's, Gumi's, et cetera. 


The Vocaloids are distributed like their software is distributed in real life.

Thus, they live with whoever bought them. I.e. producers, who are referred to as "master" when this concept is in a song.

Their personalities differ for varying reasons. One KAITO unit may be Yandere while another is completely normal.

They're robots/androids/etc. 

They only sing the songs their producer writes. Such is the case with PVs. 

- This simplifies Vocaloid/producer interaction, but complicates Vocaloid/Vocaloid interaction.
- Addresses the technical side of VOCALOID quite nicely.
- Allows for self-insert fics and self-deprecating humor on the part of the producer.
- Fanmades are generally not included, but on occasion they are.
- Lots of songs and talkloids use this headcanon.

To use examples:

If you wanted to write a fanfiction about the Crypton Vocaloid Family, then the Single Vocaloid Headcanon is the best one.

If you wanted to write a fanfiction about Miku and wowaka's interaction, then both the Single Vocaloid Headcanon and the Multiple Vocaloid Headcanon work. 

If you wanted to write a self-insert fanfiction about yourself and your IA software's interaction, then the Multiple Vocaloid Headcanon works. 

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