Sunday, July 29, 2012

Episode Fifteen: Nyanyanyanyanya!

Ohsnapsorryit'slate. I kind of... yeah and I'm a bit sleepy and Ib and /excuses excuses

Featured Vocaloid

Our Featured Vocaloid is Iroha Nekomura, the fourteenth Japanese Vocaloid distributed by AH-Software. Technically, she was a character before she was a Vocaloid-- a video game project involving Hello Kitty is where she technically originates from. Thus, she's described as a Hello Kitty fangirl and her design seems to invoke that kind of cat-ish feel. Her voice is actually kind of deep. This led into criticism because her voice didn't seem to match her design, however others asserted she was only tomboyish. Fanon follows up on this, she seems to be a fiercely energetic girl. Like most of the new Vocaloids, she has few originals, but there are some out there... Behind the Door (hinayukki/Shigotoshite-P), Stray Cat Avenue (Sasasa-P), and a duet with Kaito in Key of Destruction and the Lullaby (Shigotoshite-P). As you can see, she's an alto but her higher notes can sound good as well.

Featured Producer

Does this look and sound familiar? Well, that's actually a UTAU-- Momo Momone-- covering a song by our featured producer, daniwell-P! The original was sung by Miku. Yes, that's Miku. Daniwell-P is known for his catchy, bright, and cheery songs, such as Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! as seen above. Other songs by daniwell-P include Electrical Parade Remix

Vocaloid Vocabulary

This is dealing with UTAU Voicebanks. 

CV: Consonant-vowel. That is, the way phonemes work in CV voicebanks is consonant-vowel.
VCV: Vowel-consonant-vowel. This allows for smoother pronunciation and overall a more human-sounding voicebank.

This may also have to do with the fact that "Triphones" are in the Vocaloid3 engine. 

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Bonus Stage, by Owata-P and sung by Rin and Len.


Nekomimi Switch, by our Featured Producer daniwell-P and sung by Miku. 

Crowning Music of Awesome

Neko Neko ☆ Super Fever Night by samfree and sung by our Featured Vocaloid. It's super catchy and will stick in your head for ages.

Crowning Music of Cute

This MMD video featuring Meiko, Kaito, and lots of the other Vocaloids is quite cute. Very, very cute. I laugh every time Rin whacks Len XD

Crowning Cover of... Opera?

Iroha's cover of Ave Maria

More Awesome Covers

Spanish Vocaloid Bruno covers "Bad Apple" in Spanish. 

Oh look, a wild Iroha Panda Hero cover appeared! It is super awesome.

Random Recommendation

Difficult Love sung by Gumi and by Takanon (illust. by Tama)

Recent News

A new Vocaloid 3 has been announced! She's canonically Lapis Aoki's sister with somewhat of an evil side. Her name is Merli and holy carp she's tan. That's pretty cool. 


sorry for latenessss *falls over*

i kind of--

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