Saturday, July 14, 2012

Episode Thirteen: There's a Dead Flower in my Backyard...

Hey guys! Feels like it's been a while. A week, or so. Ha. Anyways! On with the show~
I just realized-- apparently we're on the 12th Japanese Vocaloid but it's episode 13? o.o

Featured Vocaloid

Our Featured Vocaloid is VY1, codename "Mizki", which is a reference to a kind of flower, hanamizuki if I'm not mistaken. VY1... has no canon associated, but described as "feminine". We'll call her Mizki. Yamaha distributed her themselves, as the twelfth Japanese Vocaloid. She and her counterpart-of-sorts VY2 were intended to be more professional-use software. Whether that really happened or not is up to interpretatio-- *cough*Miku*coughcough*. Sorry. Anyways. A contest was held on Pixiv (?) for whoever could come up with the best design for her and VY2, and this was the winning entry. Some of her songs are Handwritten MapInvitation... One of her most well-known songs is Cyber Thunder Cider and a duet with VY2 in Hurting for a Very Hurtful Pain, both by EZFG. Her voicebank is really nice, I can say that I've never heard a bad VY1 song... She's also got a V3 voicebank and was included in a starter package.

Featured Producer

The Featured Producer is *deep breath* Manbo-Dead-Behind-The-House-P. As expected, he got his name from one of his songs, A Sunfish is Dead Behind My House. Yeah. Lots of his songs are... long-winded title wise. And very quirky. His sister illustrates a lot of his recent PVs. Some of his well-known songs are 15 Years Pursuing a Cute Boy (VY2 had a cover of this), When I Get Home My Wife Always Pretends to be Dead, and Time-Warped After Chopping My Stag Beetle. He uses VY2 and Gumi as of late, and also Miku in his early stuff and VY1 on occasion. 


Okay! So, depending on which region of Japan you're in, Tanabata is celebrated on either July or August 7th. It originates in a Chinese myth of Orihime and Hikoboshi, associated with the stars Vega and Altair. Orihime was a weaver princess, Hikoboshi was a cow herder prince. They became a couple but they were to busy being all lovey-dovey to do their jobs, so the gods separated them across the Amanogawa River (read: Milky Way). They were only allowed to meet on the night of the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, and only if it was clear and not raining. Why am I rambling about this? Well, our Featured Producer recently made a mini-series focused on this. Of course, this is Manbo-P we're talking about, so it's got spurts of weirdness, quirkiness, surprising emotion, and such.

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Singing Earth by shigotoshite-P and sung by Kaito. 

A Classic

Secret Police, by Biriru-P and sung by Miku. May or may not induce mild to severe paranoia.

Crowning Music of Awesome

Love Philosophia, by kurousa (read: Cantarella, Thousand Sakura) and sung by Miku. look at that card she weighs 93 lbs NOT FAIR

Crowning Music of Conspirac Happiness!

Presented by Utata-P and sung by Hatsune Miku, This is the Committee of Happiness and Relief! 

Crowning Music of Cuteness

I Like You, I Love You by JevanniP and sung by Rin. It's so cute. The PV is cute. 

Spotlight Duet

8 HIT by Wonderful Opportunity and sung by Rin and Len is ridiculously motivating. 

Spotlight Cover

... 96neko, are you okay? Her cover of This is the Committee of Happiness and Relief is a bit crazy. Just a bit. A tad. A liiiiitle teeny bit. Yeah. 

Random Recommendation 

That's Not Enough, by Dwurugitaa-P and sung by Gumi, with Kaito, Len, and Gakupo as backup-singers. It's really cute.

End Note

Well, nothing much recent-news wise. Sorry!

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