Monday, July 9, 2012

Episode Twelve: Cubes and Lilies

... Yeah, not really making sense is it? Sorry for the lateness. I kind of... forgot what day it was yesterday.

Featured Vocaloid

Lily, the eleventh Japanese Vocaloid, distributed by Internet Co. Ltd.. Matsuda Yuri is her seiyuu. Her design was actually done by KEI, who designed the Crypton Character Vocal series as well-- Miku, Rin, Len, Luka. She was publicized with a video "Schwarzgazer" that had her and her friend Mosh fighting a dark force with the power of music. Her character item is undecided, but maybe lemons or something? She doesn't have many songs, it seems, but the more famous ones are +REVERSE and Chloe. Lily is portrayed as more of a punk girl, standoffish and very independent. Her voice has a sort of "lead singer", assertive quality to it. She sounds good in more rock-ish songs. Really, she's one of those Vocaloids that seem to have fallen through the cracks for absolutely no reason...

Featured Producer

The Featured Producer is kemu! Kemu is a fairly new producer who recently began coming out with high-paced, high-energy, rockish raveish songs that stick on the ratings forever. He's also known to always have a rotating cube thing in the PVs. Kemu made A Tale of Six Trillion Years and One NightInvisible (weird outfit warning), Life Reset ButtonIkasame Life Game, et cetera.

Vocaloid Vocabulary

Project Diva, Project Mirai, and Miku Flick are all rhythm games, but Project Diva is the most well-known. They're Vocaloid rhythm games, basically. Project Diva's for PS3, Project Mirai's for 3DS, and Miku Flick is for iPhone/iPod. However, the first two appear to be region locked. Miku Flick is pretty expensive for an app. Project Diva has its own PVs and costumes for the Vocaloids' songs. (that may or may not be easier to cosplay... *mumbles something about meiko's nostalogic outfit*)

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Left and Right, by koushirou and sung by Miku. At first, some people thought it was wowaka... but then everyone realized there was an actual PV. Sadly, the subs seem to have vanished.

Classic-ish Song

Hirari Hirari is sung by Miku's Append, and was one of the firsts. It's beautiful.

Crowning Music of Awesome

Thousand Sakura, sung by Miku and by the producer kurousa (see: Cantarella). The PV is dead-on awesome, which likely contributed to the fact that... well... since the first week it was released, in the middle of last year, it's pretty much been on the Weekly Vocaloid Rankings since then. 

Crowning Music of Optimism (?)

Kinda. Glorious World by papiyon, sung by Miku. Awesome PV. Awesome jackets. Yeah.

Crowning Music of Thematicness

The Earth's Final Confession sung by Gumi (probably V3) and by kemu (see the cube?) is the producer's most recent song. I just realized a lot of kemu's songs have to do with living forever/life/etc.

Spotlight Duet

Karakuri Burst is really intense, guys. It's sung by our favorite Appended twins, and by... oh! Hello, Hitoshizuku-P, and the same people you did that awesome Bad End Night PV with! 

Spotlight Cover

Kaito and Meiko's cover of, yeah, that song above-- Karakuri Burst-- is pretty awesome. PV and everything. Also Kaito's low voice. And Meiko's voice is really suited to this song. 

Random Recommendation

Yuuma's cover of Hirari Hirari is pretty dang splendid if you ask me. 

End Note

Eh, couldn't fine a .gif of it, so have a pic.

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