Monday, October 15, 2012

Episode XX: New News is New

[a crashing noise happens as the hostess steps onto the stage]
[she glances backstage and turns to the audience with a sheepish grin]

Spaz: Well, hello there, audience! How are you all? Good, good. Alrighty then, let's begin! Beginning with... our Featured Vocaloid, Miss Yukari Yuzuki!

[Yukari walks onstage, greeted with applause.]

Spaz: Hello, Miss Yukari, go ahead and have a seat.

[They both sit.]

Spaz: Now, tell us a bit about yourself. You were one of the first Vocaloid 3s, correct?
Yukari: Yes, I was AH-Software's first V3. Also, many producers contributed to their efforts, so I'd like to thank them for all their hard work!
Spaz: [nodding] Of course! And then, you also were the first with the "Voiceroid" software?
Yukari: Right, so producers can have me speaking in songs instead of the usual singing. It's a bit odd, but I think I speak pretty well.
Spaz: There's an excellent example of this in 40mP's Heartbreak Headlines. That's Miss Yukari in the beginning-- doesn't she sound great?
Yukari: Thanks! I think I'm kind of unique in that way, and also since my voice is a little deeper, that makes me stand out from the rest of the Japanese Vocaloids.
Spaz: Right, right. Speaking of that, your costume is pretty interesting, too! I see a bit of a rabbit theme here?
Yukari: I think so, my hood has ears on it...
Spaz: And your pigtails give off that impression, too. I think there's a sort of subversion of the usual design cliches here-- you've got the pigtails, but they're low, and your hoodie is cool but also more casual, and it covers the... well, what do you call them?
Yukari: Arm socks?
Spaz: Yeah, those! And then, there's the Zettai Ryouiki, done unconventionally as well.
Yukari: Um, Spaz?
Spaz: Yes?
Yukari: Some audience members appear to be confused.
Spaz: ... Oh! To clarify, Zettai Ryouiki is a Japanese fashion trend that features high socks or boots and short skirts or shorts, which leaves a portion of the thigh exposed. Anyways, Miss Yukari, how do you see the fandom often portraying you?
Yukari: ... Well, since I'm still relatively new... I was released December 22nd of last year and all, so there's still not much in the way of headcanon about me. But I think I'm seen as a quieter person than, say, the more outgoing SeeU or Rin.
Spaz: I see! Well, Miss Yukari, we're running out of time, anything else you'd like to share with the audience?
Yukari: I hope to sing many cool songs in the future! Please look out for me!
Spaz: Thanks for your time!


[lights come back on to Spaz and Yuuma]

Spaz: ... And we're back! So, Yuuma, guess what?
Yuuma: ... what?
Spaz: We've got your V3 demo! That is, another one of them! Here it is!
Yuuma: Oh, right, this is the one with falsetto.
Spaz: Right, Yuuma here's getting a falsetto voicebank along with his normal V3 voicebank! This demo... it's rather catchy.
Yuuma: The beat really gets stuck in your head, doesn't it?
Spaz: Yes, exactly. His falsetto can be heard at the end of some of the phrases. So, when can we expect this to be distributed to the public? Anytime soon?
Yuuma: October 19th!
Spaz: Wow, that's only in a couple days!
Yuuma: It's really exciting, even though there's no typical "append" redesign.
Spaz: Yeah! Speaking of V3s and new voicebanks...
Yuuma: ... oh. I should...

[Yuuma hurriedly exits]

Spaz: ... Okay, so well, a new demo for Miku's English Voicebank, an English cover of the song "1/6". ... Hey, someone, I need someone to play off of! Anyone?

[Meiko enters, somewhat reluctantly]

Spaz: Oh, hey Meiko!
Meiko: Yeah, yeah, so there's more demos, right?
Spaz: Yessss! Kaito's V3 demos! Normal and Whisper! Right here!
Meiko: You're fangirling inside your head, aren't you?
Spaz: [nodding] The first song is by Shigotoshite-P, and the second is by Wander-P. The second song, Karakuri Tokei to Koi no Hanashi, is actually a remake of a previous Kaito demo song with his Whisper voicebank.
Meiko: ... and?
Spaz: Aaaaand his English demo!
Meiko: ...
Spaz: ...
Meiko: ...
Spaz: ...
Meiko: ... Bakaito... why is the song so high?
Spaz: I haven't a clue. But! Pronunciation's improved for both English voicebanks, and aaaaah I can't wait!
Meiko: I guess I don't get demos yet.
Spaz: Sadly, no.
Meiko: So, how much longer do you have to wait?
Spaz: Spring 2013. Spring 2013. Oh man, maybe even in time for my birthday... please please please please... I hope it won't cost a lot... maybe... hopefully...
Meiko: ... So is there anything else?
Meiko: ... Spaz?
Spaz: But even his current voicebank is like three hundred dollars... and how... I don't even have... no... why... would it be region-locked...? I don't even know...
Meiko: ... Spaz! Get a hold of yourself. What other songs did you want to present?
Spaz: This and that.
Meiko: There, that's done. Now get up, we're out of time.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Episode X: \(^o^)/


[an awkward silence fills the set]
[a cameraman coughs]
[finally, a certain someone steps onto the set, sitting down in the second seat with a sigh]

Kaito: It's confirmed. She's completely incapable of doing anything now.

[He rolls his eyes]

Kaito: But... well, the show must go on and all that... and it's been way too long since the last post... Hm...

[After a moment, he looks up.]

Kaito: Oh, hey! Gumi, could you come over here for a second?

[Gumi walks on set]

Gumi: What is it?
Kaito: Well, Spaz can't do anything right now... but we need to do something, so...
Gumi: Why don't we look at her episode plans?

[Kaito blinks, surprised.]

Kaito: She had episode plans?!
Gumi: Yeah, well, kind of. Just some scattered songs she wanted to mention eventually.

[She hands him a piece of paper. He reads over it.]

Kaito: "An Awesome Nico Chorus of Migikata No Chou"... "1925"... and then she's wondering "Have I Mentioned--"

[The expression on his face resembles the surprise of a student when their name is called, caught off-guard]

Kaito: "To You"? ... Huh, well, then after that... "CosMo singing Kagamine Len no Bousou"

[Somewhere backstage is the sound of Len screaming "NOOO"]
[Kaito keeps reading.]

Kaito: "Also, CosMo and OwataP singing Matryoshka and Thousand Sakura"... and then she marks a few songs with a "maybe" like...

[He trails of with a disturbed expression. After a moment, he placed the list on the table, facedown. Gumi laughs.]

Gumi: I think she planned on some other things, like interviews with some of us and stuff. Also, someone recommended Oliver's cover of Alice.
Kaito: Right, and then she was also going to do this thing with some of our covers of that one song.
Gumi: Which one?
Kaito: That one.
Gumi: ... Oh right! That one...

[If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of Len's manly points disappearing.]

Gumi: ... Right... And then, to combat Len's current portrayal in this post, she was going to put this picture up on there.

Kaito: Oh, I remember that photoshoot... hey, what about me?!
Gumi: What? Oh right. ... I don't think she planned any pictures, but we can certainly look in her desk for one.
Kaito: I was kind of joking, but...

[Gumi begins rifling around in Spaz's desk]

Gumi: There's lots of 'em in here...


[Kaito blinks, fidgeting.]

Kaito: ... So...


Gumi: None of them are particularly manly, actually... Oh! There's this one, here!

Kaito: Oh! That one.
Gumi: Yeah. Getting back on topic... that's all she has right now, so...

[A moment passes. No one says anything.]

Kaito: So...
Gumi: Let's end it here? Alright, bye guys. Farewell! Et cetera. I'll go see if Spaz can be moved.
Kaito: Try not to mention ponds. Or angels. Or anything Doctor Who related. Or answers or test papers or Invisible Answer or Shintaro Kisaragi or Ene or Haruka/Konoha/whatsisface or anything Kagerou Project related... or anything to do with Pokemon Mystery Dungeon...
Gumi: ... right...

[Both exit.]

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Episode Such and Such

Hold up, this format is troublesome. I think I'll fix it. We'll be up and going regularly again once I redo the standard formatting of the average blog post.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Episode Eighteen: One Hundred Fifty Letters to Yu

Spaz doing an entry through feels seems like a running theme here... ah, well, here you go. *yeahhh*

Featured Vocaloid

Our Featured Vocaloid is VY2, codenamed "Yuma" (or Yuuma). Developed by bplats and distributed by Yamaha, the sixteenth Japanese Vocaloid and the second one intended for professional use. So, like VY1, VY2 officially has no determined gender or personality or anything, only described as "masculine". However, there was a design contest for him and Manbo-...-P's sister came up with the winning design, dubbed "Roro". His more popular songs are his ones by Manbo-etc-P. His voice lends itself well to sounding quite human, and it's pretty set apart from others. 

Featured Producer

Our Featured Producer is 150P, who is responsible for Len's amazing song Lost Destination. He also has a new series called "Bookmark of Demise", based on urban horror myths.

A Future-Classic? ish Song

ODDS & ENDS by ryo/supercell and sung by Miku. 

Crowning Music of Awesome Motheory Table Flipping

Escape of Sahlmhofer the Witch is mothy's new song, shedding more light on the Moonlit bit of the Evillous Chronicles. Did I mention it's sung by Meiko? It's sung by Meiko. And my headcanon timeline has been wibbly-wobbly'ed. 

Crowning Music of Melancholy

Answer is, well, an answer song to Just Be Friends (Dixie Flatline + Luka). Fairly new and very unprecedented. ... the whistling...

Crowning Music of Tragedy

A Love Story of a Certain Bakeneko by Nem, sung by Len. Illust. by Tama. 

Spotlight Cover

This Cendrillon cover by VY1 and VY2 was one of Yuuma's demo songs. 

Spotlight Duet

Kagerou Days as re-lyric'd and covered and Ib-ified by Kaito, IA, and... Len...? I'll have to listen to it again. But yes. Subs can be found on another cover.

Random Recommendation 

Free is a remix with both Len and Luka, one of AVTechNO!'s trance/rave/electronic pieces.

Recent News

That is all~ 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Episode Seventeen: Singing a Song about Insecticides

Oh, hello! After a two week delay  spaz being lazy business attack  hiatus, we're back! and better than ever!  also there was a bit where i semi-intentionally dragged everyone into a fandom ahem

So, shall we begin?

Featured Vocaloid

Our Featured Vocaloid is Piko Utatane, the fifteenth Japanese Vocaloid! He's voiced by the Nico Nico Douga singer Piko and was released by Ki/oon, some kind of subsidiary of Sony. His design is based off of an electric guitar, apparently. His fandom portrayal... varies. A lot. As most of the newer Vocaloids do. He also has few originals, mostly covers, but he does have Remember. And Piko Piko ☆ Legend of the Night. His voice is similar to Len's in range, but pretty unique to itself tone-wise. 

Featured Producer 

It's Over! Our Featured Producer is Owata-P. He's made songs from the range of serious to comedy, from Just Work! NEET to the Benzene series. 

But Spaz, what's the Benzene Series?

Well, audience, it's a series all titled after chemicals, sung mostly by Rin and Len until further notice.

It starts with Benzene and Nitrobenzene

It escalates with Paradichlorobenzene and Antichlorobenzene

And resolves...? With Toluene. Sung by Luka.

And all of them are kind of creepy and weird and confusing and brain killing \o/

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Classic Song

Turkish March Owata as sung by Gakupo and by, well, Owata-P \(^o^)/

Crowning Music of Sadness

Toumei Answer, or Transparent Answer, sung by IA and by Jin. It's part of the Kagerou Project.

Crowning Music of I'm Seeing a Food Theme Here

Song of Hating Tomatoes sung by Kaito and by the Featured Producer. While I can see Kaito not liking tomatoes, he's a bit... not-very-our-headcanon at some points \(^o^)/

Crowning Music of Awesome

Children Record by Jin and sung by IA. It connects ALL of the Kagerou Project!


This is an Ib-ified cover of A Born Coward/ Ama no jaku ( Gumi and 164-P )

This is an Ib-ified cover of... well... let's move on.

This is SiGrE sung by Rin and Len with an Ib PV. FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELS ALL OF THEM FEELS

This is a vocalist (Asako Tori) song by sasakure.UK with an Ib PV. 




Saturday, August 4, 2012

Episode Sixteen: Stop! Recap Time!


So, in case you missed it, on July Fourth I made a Heta-crossover post.

Featured Vocaloids

Lily, assertive-ish punk-ish older girl.

VY2, codenamed Mizki, intended for professional use so no canon at all.

Gachapoid, aka Ryuto, a cute li'l kid.

Iroha Nekomura, a tomboyish Hello Kitty fangirl!

Featured Producers

Kemu: Ikasama Life Game, Jinsei Reset Button... and recently Wind-Up god, which ties it all together!

Manbo-Dead-Behind-The-House-P: See name, When I Get Home My Wife Pretends To Be Dead, Time Warped After Chopping My Stag Beetle...

Bousou-P/cosMo: The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku, From 0 to Infinity, The Run Away of Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Len no Bousou, Division -> Destruction of Hatsune Miku...

Daniwell-P: Nyanyanyanyanya!, Electrical Parade Remix, Nekomimi Switch


Project Diva: Vocaloid rhythm game!

Tanabata: Traditional festival what involves Orihime and Hikoboshi and wish-making.

Akaito, Taito, Kikaito, Mokaito, Kageito, Kaiko, Zeito... many many Kaito fanmades.

CV: consonant-vowel

VCV: vowel-consonant-vowel

-chan: familiar honorific usually for girls

-kun: familiar honorific almost always for boys

no honorific: indicates close closeness of closeness-ity.

Spaz's iPhone:

Left and Right (koushiro) (Miku)
Singing Earth (hinayukki) (Kaito)
Gekkou Total Eclipse (Machigerita-P) (Kaito)
Bonus Stage (Owata-P) (Rin and Len)


Hirari, Hirari (Miku Append)
Secret Police (Biruri-P) (Miku)
Fire Flower (halyosy) (Len)
Cat-Ears Switch (daniwell-P) (Miku)

Crowning Musics of Awesome

Thousand Sakura (kurousa) (Miku)
Love Philosophia (kurousa) (Miku)
Leaping from 0 to Eternity (cosMo)
Neko Neko Super Fever Night (samfree) (Iroha)

Crowning Musics of Happy

Glorious World (papiyon) (Miku)
This is the Committee of Happiness and Peace of Mind (t.Komine) (Miku)

Crowning Musics of Cute

I Like You, I Love You (Jevanni-P) (Rin)
Footprint, an MMD video

Crowning Musics of Et Cetera

The Earth's Final Confession (kemu) (Gumi)
Whatever! (biruru-P) (Miku)
Kagamine Len Just Being Annoying
Iroha's cover of Ave Maria

Spotlight Duets

Karakuri Burst (Hitoshizuku-P) (Rin and Len)
8 HIT (Wonderful Opportunity) (Rin and Len)
Phantom Thieves Peter and Jenny (nem) (Rin and Len)
Youth Government Agency (Owata-P, Syujin-P) (Rin, Len, Kaito)

Spotlight Covers

Kaito and Meiko's Karakuri Burst
96neko's This is the Committee of Happiness and Peace of Mind
Bruno's Bad Apple
Iroha's Panda Hero

Random Recommendations

Yuuma's cover of Hirari, Hirari
That's Not Enough (Dwurugitaa-P) (Gumi (Gakupo, Kaito, Len))
Teto's cover of Hirari, Hirari
Difficult Love (Takanon) (Gumi) (Tama illust.)

Recent News

Gakupo's Birthday, Miku Flick 2, and Merli~

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's Gakupo's Birthday!

Well, yesterday was at least! *dodges tomatoes thrown* aaaagh don't kill me blame... um... kouri.

Aaaanyways! Happy Birthday, Gakupo! *throws purple confetti*

Just recently, our favorite samurai-wannabe got an Append  Extend version on the Vocaloid3 engine, so expect more awesome songs from him~!

To celebrate, have a talkloid and an eggplant.


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Episode Fifteen: Nyanyanyanyanya!

Ohsnapsorryit'slate. I kind of... yeah and I'm a bit sleepy and Ib and /excuses excuses

Featured Vocaloid

Our Featured Vocaloid is Iroha Nekomura, the fourteenth Japanese Vocaloid distributed by AH-Software. Technically, she was a character before she was a Vocaloid-- a video game project involving Hello Kitty is where she technically originates from. Thus, she's described as a Hello Kitty fangirl and her design seems to invoke that kind of cat-ish feel. Her voice is actually kind of deep. This led into criticism because her voice didn't seem to match her design, however others asserted she was only tomboyish. Fanon follows up on this, she seems to be a fiercely energetic girl. Like most of the new Vocaloids, she has few originals, but there are some out there... Behind the Door (hinayukki/Shigotoshite-P), Stray Cat Avenue (Sasasa-P), and a duet with Kaito in Key of Destruction and the Lullaby (Shigotoshite-P). As you can see, she's an alto but her higher notes can sound good as well.

Featured Producer

Does this look and sound familiar? Well, that's actually a UTAU-- Momo Momone-- covering a song by our featured producer, daniwell-P! The original was sung by Miku. Yes, that's Miku. Daniwell-P is known for his catchy, bright, and cheery songs, such as Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! as seen above. Other songs by daniwell-P include Electrical Parade Remix

Vocaloid Vocabulary

This is dealing with UTAU Voicebanks. 

CV: Consonant-vowel. That is, the way phonemes work in CV voicebanks is consonant-vowel.
VCV: Vowel-consonant-vowel. This allows for smoother pronunciation and overall a more human-sounding voicebank.

This may also have to do with the fact that "Triphones" are in the Vocaloid3 engine. 

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Bonus Stage, by Owata-P and sung by Rin and Len.


Nekomimi Switch, by our Featured Producer daniwell-P and sung by Miku. 

Crowning Music of Awesome

Neko Neko ☆ Super Fever Night by samfree and sung by our Featured Vocaloid. It's super catchy and will stick in your head for ages.

Crowning Music of Cute

This MMD video featuring Meiko, Kaito, and lots of the other Vocaloids is quite cute. Very, very cute. I laugh every time Rin whacks Len XD

Crowning Cover of... Opera?

Iroha's cover of Ave Maria

More Awesome Covers

Spanish Vocaloid Bruno covers "Bad Apple" in Spanish. 

Oh look, a wild Iroha Panda Hero cover appeared! It is super awesome.

Random Recommendation

Difficult Love sung by Gumi and by Takanon (illust. by Tama)

Recent News

A new Vocaloid 3 has been announced! She's canonically Lapis Aoki's sister with somewhat of an evil side. Her name is Merli and holy carp she's tan. That's pretty cool. 


sorry for latenessss *falls over*

i kind of--

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Episode Fourteen: The Appearance of a Green Dinosaur

At first this afternoon I was like "what am I supposed to do to pass time?" and right in the middle of pinterest I remembered OH SNAP BLOG ENTRY TONIGHT--!

Featured Vocaloid

Our Featured Vocaloid is Gachapoid, also known as Ryuto. He's based off of "Gachapin", who is apparently a character in a popular Japanese TV show for kids... I think...? So, he resembles that character. He also has a anthropomorphic design which most people use. He's the thirteenth Japanese Vocaloid distributed by Internet Co., Ltd. He was intended to appeal to younger producers, and his voice is very childish. ... I'm terribly sorry, but I can't find any original Gachapoid songs. Have a talkloid instead. (language warning). Because of his childish voice, he sounds quite cute but it's difficult to have him sing like a professional singer.

Featured Producer

The Featured Producer is Bousou-P, also known as cosMo. cosMo is especially known for the Disappearance of Hatsune Miku, which is part of a whole series dedicated to an interpretation of a Vocaloid's birth, life, and death. Pretty interesting stuff. Other series he's made are "The Fantastic Garden" and "Dr. Realist". Lots of his songs are almost impossibly fast, pushing the limits of the Vocaloid program itself. 


"Aka" means red, "Kage" means shadow, "Ki" means yellow... where am I going with this? The many colors of the Kaito fanmades, right? Right! There's about a whole lot of them, but the major ones are:

Akaito: Red, likes chili peppers, a bit of a delinquent. (one step lower)
Kikaito: Yellow, cheerful and a sunny personality *ba-dum-ching* (two steps lower)
Nigaito: Green, likes green tea, often sick. (two steps higher)
Taito: Purple, character item is an ice pick, a "yandeloid" (one step higher)
Zeito: Like Zatsune is to Hatsune.  (?? steps higher)
Kageito: Kaito's shadow. Curious, childish, lonely.(distorted)

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Gekkou Total Eclipse sung by Kaito and by Machigeriita-P. Tuning isn't great, but something about it is catchy...

The Classics

Fire Flower sung by Len and by halyosy. This will also get stuck in your head.

Crowning Music of Awesome

Leaping from 0 to Eternity, one of cosMo's most recent songs that, surprisingly, wraps up the Disappearance series. It seems to be in preparation for Miku's birthday.

Crowning Music of Whatever

Whatever! by buriru-P and sung by Miku. Title says it all. 

Crowning "Music" of Funny

Well, there is a "song" in it. But mostly this thing by UmeboshiP is Kagamine Len Just Being Annoying..

Spotlight Duet

Nem and Tama strike again in Phantom Thieves Peter and Jenny, with Rin and Len. 

And then OwataP and SyujinP present Youth Government Agency, with Rin and Len (+ Kaito in speaking parts) (also read description for translation enlightenment) (this is really cute)

Random Recommendation

Teto's "Whisper Append" cover of Hirari, Hirari is really really pretty.

Recent News

Miku Flick 2 has been announced! This time with Rin and Luka, songs like Love is War, magnet, Meltdown, and Just Be Friends! Still expensive, though, dunno when it'll come out... 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Episode Thirteen Point Three Nine: Headcanon and Fanfiction

Hey again!

I've decided that, at least in my mind, there are two general world-headcanons.
And depending on which one you ascribe to the most, it affects things like songs and fanfiction and whatever.

1. Single-Vocaloid 

Basically, that there's only one KAITO, MEIKO, Hatsune Miku, et cetera. 


All the Vocaloids live in the same house, or at least neighborhood. 

They may be robots or android. 

They have "normal" personalities, that aren't directly tied to one song or another. 

They work with producers and record songs, or write their own songs. though that last one makes me twitch

They may or may not act in PVs/photoshoots/et cetera.

- This streamlines Vocaloid/Vocaloid interaction in general
- Does not usually address the software/technical side of VOCALOID
- Allows for many, many references to songs and such
- Fanmades are generally included somewhere in there.
- Most fanfiction use this headcanon. 

2. Multiple Vocaloids

Basically, there are multiple KAITO's, Miku's, Gumi's, et cetera. 


The Vocaloids are distributed like their software is distributed in real life.

Thus, they live with whoever bought them. I.e. producers, who are referred to as "master" when this concept is in a song.

Their personalities differ for varying reasons. One KAITO unit may be Yandere while another is completely normal.

They're robots/androids/etc. 

They only sing the songs their producer writes. Such is the case with PVs. 

- This simplifies Vocaloid/producer interaction, but complicates Vocaloid/Vocaloid interaction.
- Addresses the technical side of VOCALOID quite nicely.
- Allows for self-insert fics and self-deprecating humor on the part of the producer.
- Fanmades are generally not included, but on occasion they are.
- Lots of songs and talkloids use this headcanon.

To use examples:

If you wanted to write a fanfiction about the Crypton Vocaloid Family, then the Single Vocaloid Headcanon is the best one.

If you wanted to write a fanfiction about Miku and wowaka's interaction, then both the Single Vocaloid Headcanon and the Multiple Vocaloid Headcanon work. 

If you wanted to write a self-insert fanfiction about yourself and your IA software's interaction, then the Multiple Vocaloid Headcanon works. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Episode Thirteen: There's a Dead Flower in my Backyard...

Hey guys! Feels like it's been a while. A week, or so. Ha. Anyways! On with the show~
I just realized-- apparently we're on the 12th Japanese Vocaloid but it's episode 13? o.o

Featured Vocaloid

Our Featured Vocaloid is VY1, codename "Mizki", which is a reference to a kind of flower, hanamizuki if I'm not mistaken. VY1... has no canon associated, but described as "feminine". We'll call her Mizki. Yamaha distributed her themselves, as the twelfth Japanese Vocaloid. She and her counterpart-of-sorts VY2 were intended to be more professional-use software. Whether that really happened or not is up to interpretatio-- *cough*Miku*coughcough*. Sorry. Anyways. A contest was held on Pixiv (?) for whoever could come up with the best design for her and VY2, and this was the winning entry. Some of her songs are Handwritten MapInvitation... One of her most well-known songs is Cyber Thunder Cider and a duet with VY2 in Hurting for a Very Hurtful Pain, both by EZFG. Her voicebank is really nice, I can say that I've never heard a bad VY1 song... She's also got a V3 voicebank and was included in a starter package.

Featured Producer

The Featured Producer is *deep breath* Manbo-Dead-Behind-The-House-P. As expected, he got his name from one of his songs, A Sunfish is Dead Behind My House. Yeah. Lots of his songs are... long-winded title wise. And very quirky. His sister illustrates a lot of his recent PVs. Some of his well-known songs are 15 Years Pursuing a Cute Boy (VY2 had a cover of this), When I Get Home My Wife Always Pretends to be Dead, and Time-Warped After Chopping My Stag Beetle. He uses VY2 and Gumi as of late, and also Miku in his early stuff and VY1 on occasion. 


Okay! So, depending on which region of Japan you're in, Tanabata is celebrated on either July or August 7th. It originates in a Chinese myth of Orihime and Hikoboshi, associated with the stars Vega and Altair. Orihime was a weaver princess, Hikoboshi was a cow herder prince. They became a couple but they were to busy being all lovey-dovey to do their jobs, so the gods separated them across the Amanogawa River (read: Milky Way). They were only allowed to meet on the night of the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, and only if it was clear and not raining. Why am I rambling about this? Well, our Featured Producer recently made a mini-series focused on this. Of course, this is Manbo-P we're talking about, so it's got spurts of weirdness, quirkiness, surprising emotion, and such.

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Singing Earth by shigotoshite-P and sung by Kaito. 

A Classic

Secret Police, by Biriru-P and sung by Miku. May or may not induce mild to severe paranoia.

Crowning Music of Awesome

Love Philosophia, by kurousa (read: Cantarella, Thousand Sakura) and sung by Miku. look at that card she weighs 93 lbs NOT FAIR

Crowning Music of Conspirac Happiness!

Presented by Utata-P and sung by Hatsune Miku, This is the Committee of Happiness and Relief! 

Crowning Music of Cuteness

I Like You, I Love You by JevanniP and sung by Rin. It's so cute. The PV is cute. 

Spotlight Duet

8 HIT by Wonderful Opportunity and sung by Rin and Len is ridiculously motivating. 

Spotlight Cover

... 96neko, are you okay? Her cover of This is the Committee of Happiness and Relief is a bit crazy. Just a bit. A tad. A liiiiitle teeny bit. Yeah. 

Random Recommendation 

That's Not Enough, by Dwurugitaa-P and sung by Gumi, with Kaito, Len, and Gakupo as backup-singers. It's really cute.

End Note

Well, nothing much recent-news wise. Sorry!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Episode Twelve: Cubes and Lilies

... Yeah, not really making sense is it? Sorry for the lateness. I kind of... forgot what day it was yesterday.

Featured Vocaloid

Lily, the eleventh Japanese Vocaloid, distributed by Internet Co. Ltd.. Matsuda Yuri is her seiyuu. Her design was actually done by KEI, who designed the Crypton Character Vocal series as well-- Miku, Rin, Len, Luka. She was publicized with a video "Schwarzgazer" that had her and her friend Mosh fighting a dark force with the power of music. Her character item is undecided, but maybe lemons or something? She doesn't have many songs, it seems, but the more famous ones are +REVERSE and Chloe. Lily is portrayed as more of a punk girl, standoffish and very independent. Her voice has a sort of "lead singer", assertive quality to it. She sounds good in more rock-ish songs. Really, she's one of those Vocaloids that seem to have fallen through the cracks for absolutely no reason...

Featured Producer

The Featured Producer is kemu! Kemu is a fairly new producer who recently began coming out with high-paced, high-energy, rockish raveish songs that stick on the ratings forever. He's also known to always have a rotating cube thing in the PVs. Kemu made A Tale of Six Trillion Years and One NightInvisible (weird outfit warning), Life Reset ButtonIkasame Life Game, et cetera.

Vocaloid Vocabulary

Project Diva, Project Mirai, and Miku Flick are all rhythm games, but Project Diva is the most well-known. They're Vocaloid rhythm games, basically. Project Diva's for PS3, Project Mirai's for 3DS, and Miku Flick is for iPhone/iPod. However, the first two appear to be region locked. Miku Flick is pretty expensive for an app. Project Diva has its own PVs and costumes for the Vocaloids' songs. (that may or may not be easier to cosplay... *mumbles something about meiko's nostalogic outfit*)

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Left and Right, by koushirou and sung by Miku. At first, some people thought it was wowaka... but then everyone realized there was an actual PV. Sadly, the subs seem to have vanished.

Classic-ish Song

Hirari Hirari is sung by Miku's Append, and was one of the firsts. It's beautiful.

Crowning Music of Awesome

Thousand Sakura, sung by Miku and by the producer kurousa (see: Cantarella). The PV is dead-on awesome, which likely contributed to the fact that... well... since the first week it was released, in the middle of last year, it's pretty much been on the Weekly Vocaloid Rankings since then. 

Crowning Music of Optimism (?)

Kinda. Glorious World by papiyon, sung by Miku. Awesome PV. Awesome jackets. Yeah.

Crowning Music of Thematicness

The Earth's Final Confession sung by Gumi (probably V3) and by kemu (see the cube?) is the producer's most recent song. I just realized a lot of kemu's songs have to do with living forever/life/etc.

Spotlight Duet

Karakuri Burst is really intense, guys. It's sung by our favorite Appended twins, and by... oh! Hello, Hitoshizuku-P, and the same people you did that awesome Bad End Night PV with! 

Spotlight Cover

Kaito and Meiko's cover of, yeah, that song above-- Karakuri Burst-- is pretty awesome. PV and everything. Also Kaito's low voice. And Meiko's voice is really suited to this song. 

Random Recommendation

Yuuma's cover of Hirari Hirari is pretty dang splendid if you ask me. 

End Note

Eh, couldn't fine a .gif of it, so have a pic.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Episode Eleven Point Five: July Fourth!

Yeah! Today's America's Birthday! the Fourth of July, so! Obligatory Hetalia post, where it really is America's birthday! Kind of.

But obviously, this is a vocaloid blog... thus... crossover!

Let's start off with some Hetaloid, UTAUs made with voice samples from the countries' seiyuus! It's not a good method for high-quality voicebanks, just because the whole process and such, but there are a few good ones out there.

Anyways, here's Panda Hero, or at least a parody of it, sung by Russialoid. Ko- ko- kol, ko-ko- kolkol

And then, a parody of Romeo and Cinderella with Japanloid, about... eh, sodium intake and high blood pressure? I'm not sure. Oh, I think there's a few France moments in there near the end. Like, the four and a half-minute mark.

And now we can move onto some more Vocaloids singing stuff.

Like this, "Seven Weeks War" referring obviously to a war. One between Austria and Prussia, featuring Kaito as Austria and Gakupo as Prussia. Pffft. Amusing and educational!

And here we have several Hetalia character songs (read: seiyuus singing a song about/ in the point of view of their characters yay) covered by Kaito.
We've got Russia's Winter and Pechka ~ My Heart Has A Light
and then Prussia's Mein Gott (pfft "ore-sama" XD )
along with North Italy's Let's Boil Hot Water!
and, finally, Spain's version of the Delicious Tomato Song. Which is ironic, because there's that other song... Anyways!

So finally a patriotic thingy for Independence Day, right? Right. Of course.

It's America Hetaloid's cover of Fire Flower. Like a Fiiire Flower~

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Episode Eleven: In Which Another Recap is Given

Hey guys! Today's a recap episode, in case ya missed something.

Featured Vocaloids

Gakupo, the deep-voiced samurai!

Gumi, the cheerful carrot-loving girl who's birthday was a few days ago! *throws confetti*

SF-A2 Miki, the robotic-looking, cherry-loving girl!

Kiyoteru, the tenor teacher!

Featured Producers

40m-P: Left Behind City, Do Re Mi Fa Rondo, Karakuri Pierrot

wowaka: Rollin' Girl, Unhappy Refrain, World End Dancehall

Hachi: Matryoshka, Panda Hero, Wonderland and the Sheep's Song

Pantan-P: Have You All to Myself! Summer Girl, Flowers Bloom in the Night Sky Please Summer, Again Again

Voca-bulary Words

Hetare: useless, awkward, clumsy

Seiyuu: voice actor, voice provider

modifier !

Sensei: teacher, etc

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Delusion Sketch (40mP, Miku)

Rollin' Girl (wowaka, Miku)

iNSaNiTY (Circus-P, Miki and Kaito)

Remote Control (Wonderful Opportunity, Rin and Len)


World is Mine (supercell, Miku)

World's End Dancehall (wowaka, Miku and Luka)

Matryoshka (Hachi, Miku and Gumi)

Monochro Blue Sky (?, Miku)

Crowning Musics of Awesome

Jewel (Shinjou-P, Kaito)

Unhappy Refrain (wowaka, Miku)

Astral Domination (Yamaji, Rin and Len)

Crowning Musics of Sad

Deep-Sea Girl (Yuuyu, Miku)

Time Forgotten One (hinayukki, Kaito)

The Summer I Can't See You (Pantan-P, Len, Gakupo, Kiyoteru, Kaito)

Crowning Musics of Cute

Do Re Mi Fa Rondo (40mP, Miku)

Flowers Bloon in the Night Sky Please Summer! (Pantan-P, VocaBoyBand)

Again Again (see above)

Crowning Musics of Et Cetera

"The Near Future City" (That PV with Meiko and Miku and the others)

Super Hero (nem, Len)

Triangle Love (Sugiharu and Enicy, Miki)

Spotlight Duet/Group Song

96Neko and Len's Ah, It's a Wonderful Cat's Life

Rin and Len's World's End Dancehall

Rin and Len's Unhappy Refrain

Gumi, Rin, and Len's First Love Academy, School of True Love 

America and Canada's Brother Complex (Remote Control parody)

Spotlight Cover

Kaito's World's End Dancehall

Kaito's Rolling Girl (+rap)

Miki's Black Rock Shooter

Giga-P's remix and Luka's Karakuri Pierrot

Random Recommendations

Circus Monster (Circus-P, Luka)

DualSoul (Meiko and Gumi)

DIVE INTO BLUE (Itachima-P, Miki)

Oliver's cover of Speed of Sound

Recent News

Gumi's Birthday, Sweet Ann's Birthday, Gakupo's Extend, Gumi English announced, and I think a Galaco demo appeared too?

End Note

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Episode Something or other: Simple Housecleaning

Just some stuff.

For one the text color is starting to annoy me. Too dark! So that may change. Or I may just flip a table and change the entire blog layout or something! *shrugs*

Um, so, yeah. I realized some more information about me, the writer of this stuff, would be relevant-ish.

So! I'm Spaz, as you may know. I've considered myself a Vocaloid fan for... two years or so? Something like that.

Biased Towards: KAITO (major fangirl here), KaiMei, Rin, Len, MEIKO, and Gumi. I like most musical genres, most of the stuff on my iPod is pop-ish, rock-ish, or electronic-ish. My favored producers are hinayukki, Hachi, Shinjou-P, wowaka, DECO*27, mothy, Jin, WonderfulOpportunity (Jesus-P), Manbo-Dead-Behind-The-House-P... not a complete list, but you know. Oh! I'm also partial to crossovers with other fandoms I like.

I Don't Really Like: Gakupo (my apologies), yaoi, yuri, gore, explicit lyrics, NSFW stuff... yeah. Not a complete list, but that's what I can think of.

Pet Peeves: Unsubbed songs, favoring fanmades over originals (as in, "akaito is so much better than kaito!!1!!1!!1one!". that makes me very sad.), 'also if i see another suggestive kailen picture under the kaito tag on tumblr i think i'm going to flip a table or something , the Vocaloid "fandumb"

Other Fandoms I Consider Myself in: (Anime/Manga:) Hetalia, Durarara!!, Baccano!, (Video Games:) Portal 1 and 2, Pokemon, HetaOni, (TV Show:) Doctor Who, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, (Other:) Homestuck, Alice in Wonderland, Paranatural, et cetera. I... probably forgot one. Oh well.

So as you can see, there's weaknesses here. Like you know, I'm not going to be up on the latest news/song with Gakupo.

Also, it's time to cite my sources!

For the Featured Vocaloid stuff, I usually go to TVTropes' Character page for Vocaloid for some refreshers on facts I've forgotten. So there. The Vocaloid Wiki is helpful at times as well, along with Vocaloidism.

So! That's that as far as I can tell.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Happy Birthday, Gumi!

Today is Gumi's 3rd Anniversary of release, so, in fandom terms...

Today is her birthday! *throws confetti* Happy Birthday! Hopefully she'll get carrot cake and lots of love from everybody today!

She's had a great year too, giving Miku a run for her money in the rankings! Often they have close to the same number of songs on the Weekly Vocaloid Ranking, a few times even outmatching her! Megpoid also received Vocaloid 3 Extend voicebanks, also a update to her standard voicebank.

Also, she's confirmed to receive an English voicebank sometime in the future! Huzzah! It's in the planning stage now.

Oh, and KarenT (read: the reason Vocaloid songs are on iTunes) has announced a special release of songs for this event! *throws carrots* This includes songs like Life Reset Button, My Crush is a Monster Boy, and more! There are ten in total.

Let's wish Gumi a happy and successful year to come! And with that, I shall leave this and the pretty picture from tumblr up for the rest of the week. *falls over*

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Episode Ten: Teach me how to sing in a boy band I mean wait what?!

I make so, so much sense. But seriously, senseiloid is directly/indirectly connected to three boy bands... he's magical. *shotdead*

Featured Vocaloid

Our Featured Vocaloid is Kiyoteru Hiyama, the ninth (or tenth) Japanese Vocaloid and AHSoftware's second (or third). He is not included in the Vocal Artist series for some reason. His character item seems to be iced (?) coffee. His more notable songs include True Education, his thingy with Ice Mountain, and that whole Vocaboyband thing with Kaito, Len, and Gakupo. More on that later. Actually, with the release of an alarming amount of information, he is the Vocaloid with the most official canon to date. He's stated to be an elementary school teacher, who mostly teaches math. On weekends he sings in a band called ICE MOUNTAIN, with a few non-Vocaloid characters. Let's see... 22 years old, sincere, a nice guy, easy going, cares about children, and apparently turns into a coolguy when he takes off his glasses! But he has to put them back on in a short amount of time to prevent eyestrain *reality ensues!*. He has a voice suited for the tenor range, and it's actually pretty unique as well. It has an odd electronic undertone to it, though, which is odd. 

Featured Producer

Our Featured Producer is Pantan-P, who is apparently multiple people (?). They are responsible for the VocaBoyBand consisting of Len Kagamine, Gakupo Kamui, Kaito, and our Featured Vocaloid, Kiyoteru Hiyama. If you ever need an excuse to fangirl, or just feel like escaping into a summer fantasy with... *trails off awkwardly and stares into the distance* hm~... 

Wh-what?! O-oh! Right. Ahem. S-sorry about that. Anyways! Some of Pantan-P's works include Have You All to Myself! Summer Girl, Again Again, The Summer I Can't See You, Flowers Bloom in the Night Sky Please Summer, and Your Highness My Princess. Apparently the boy band is referred to as Gensoh Airly? Ok.


Sensei- teacher, etc. and Kiyoteru is often referred to as such, or even senseiloid. 

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Remote Control by Wonderful Opportunity, sung by the Kagamine twins. L R L R STOP & DASH & UP & TALK B B A B S(tart)...

Classical Classic that is not Classical

Monochro Blue Sky is a cool Miku song that I cannot find the right subs for. I am sorry. 

Crowning Music of SUMMERTIME

Again Again. That is all. 

Crowning Music of FIREWORKS

The title says it all, really.

Crowning Music of Melancholy

Spotlight Duet

Brother Complex, a cover of Remote Control and a sort of parody, with America and Canada (not really, just people singing like them, but you know). It's cute and funny. (IMMA HIIRO!) Even if you're not into Hetalia, you'll probably still enjoy it...! ^^

Spotlight Cover

Giga-P's remix of Karakuri Pierrot, sung by Luka, is awesome. Ah, mawatte...

Random Recommendation

Oliver's cover of Speed of Sound is quite good. 

Recent News

Of the incessant Kaito fangirl variety. Finally, he got another song in the Weekly Ranking, and finally, another brilliant yuukiss (wrote FLOWER TAIL) song! It's a demo, I believe, but it's still awesome. Apparently in 2009 she posted a thirty-nine second clip of it... and finally got around to working on it XD And the song's title is something along the lines of "I Will Never Forget" or something. SO yeah. 

End Note.

Have some pretty art. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Episode Nine: SF-A524

I make sense. Oh yes. I make so much sense. Anyways, before I succumb to HetaOni and writings, have some blogstuffs!

Featured Vocaloid

Our Featured Vocaloid today is SF-A2 miki, or for sAnIty's sake we'll call her Miki. She's the eighth Japanese Vocaloid, and AH-Software's first. Well, technically she, Kiyoteru, and Yuki were all released at the same time, but she was announced first. Thus she is also the first in AH's "Vocal Artist" series. Her voice provider is Miki Furukawa. Her character items appears to be a cherry. Her notable songs are few and far between, but it seems her most recognizable songs are iNSaNiTY, Satellite, Lience, and DIVE INTO BLUE. It seems she's a tad bit under-appreciated. Her typical portrayal varies, but generally her oddly robotic design is taken into account, making her either a robot/android or an alien. Generally she seems to be a cheerful, curious girl, if a bit of a ditz. Or insane. You never know. It's a mystery~ anyways. Her voice is... it's got a cool sound to it, I suppose it's rather unique, if a tad nasal. She sounds best in the lower soprano range. 

Featured Producer

Our Featured Producer is Hachi, responsible for Matryoshka, Panda Hero, Wonderland and the Sheep's Song, and the like. His real name is Kenshi Yonezu and he's released an non-Vocaloid, self-singing album called diorama recently. His lyrics are... odd. He seems to be a kind of peculiar person in general. There are about a bajillion different ways to interpret his songs. He typically uses Miku for his songs... so much that in Panda Hero, where Gumi sings, he accidentally put "Miku" as the singer. Whoops. Anyways, most of his songs are definitely worth a listen.

Vocaloid Vocabulary

What else is there to explain? o.o; I really don't have a clue. Um... eh, how about this.
So this is kind of a weird fandom-in-general thing, but when a character-- or a certain version of a character-- is easily defined by a single word. Like... say for instance someone wrote a fanfic where for some bizarre, unexplainable reason, Kaito was a tsundere. This iteration of his character would then be referred to as Tsundere!Kaito. The "!" functions as a sort of... modifier? I can't grammar, I am sorry. But you see? Like, Hyper!Rin and Len, Drunk!Miku, BoyBand!Vocaloids, Human!Vocaloids, Android!Vocaloids, FormerlyHuman!Vocaloids. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

What's on Spaz's iPod?

iNSaNiTY, sung by Miki and Kaito in there too. It's by Circus-P, a rare well-known American producer.

A Classic of All Classics to Rendezvous?

Matryoshka, sung by Miku and Gumi, and by our Featured Producer, Hachi. 524, Freud? Keloid? Just play the tune...

Crowning Music of Awesome

Astral Domination, sung by Rin and Len, by Yamaji. It's apparently about aliens. Great song to rock out too. 

Crowning Music of Conspiracy...?

Super Hero sung by Len and by the producer Nem-- also, it appears the PV is also by the same person who did Ah, It's a Wonderful Cat's Life. The first verse/chorus will have you going "I'm a super hero!" along with 'em, but then near the end, you have to wonder, like a commenter-- So, is Len really like America of Hetalia, or Light of Death Note? stop making weird anime references spaz 

Crowning Music of Tsundere

TRI△NGLE LO▽E sung by our Featured Vocaloid, the producer as... Sugiharu and Enicy? Ok then. 

Spotlight Duet  Group Song

First Love Academy:School of True Love again by Nem. Len, Rin, and Gumi sing this... evidently Gumi's a guy in this song. No, really. It certainly seems so, at least. Anyways.

Spotlight Cover

Miki's cover of Black★Rock Shooter is pretty good... ignore the language in the description >.<

Random Recommendation

DIVE INTO BLUE by our Featured Vocaloid and ItachimaP. Now everyone knows the word for "blue" in Japanese is "Ao", right? Right. Alllright.

Recent News

Gakupo's Extend was released a few days ago, with a "Native", "Whisper", and "Power" voicebank.

End Note

*falls over*

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Episode Eight Point Eight Eight: Once Upon A Time, There Was A Dream...

That dream was such a small dream... Eh? Oh, right. Yeah.

This is kind of a cool little thing, but evidently there's a sort of fanmade game/visual novel-type thing of Alice Human Sacrifice/Hitobashira Alice. It's pretty cool, actually.

Here's the link to the person who's posted all the videos-- however, they're untranslated. I actually haven't watched all of them at this time of posting...

Here's the first video in the series, it's translated by this person-- you can find the others by yourself, can't you? It's translated up to the beginning of Kaito's story bit, so it's far from complete... uh, I guess they stopped translating it because that's from 2011... oh well...

Well, that's all for now~!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Episode Eight Point Five: ALL THE PRONOUNS ALL OF THEM

Mmkay so apparently last episode was number hachi and and one before that was seven. So, sorry about that, blame sleep deprivation etc etc etc.


So even though-- or perhaps, because of the fact-- Japanese is a language that has the opportunity to omit pronouns, there are a whole metric crapton of them. And they all mean different things, the nuances etc. so it's very different if someone uses one pronoun over another/etc. Note that I'm not covering all of them, just the more important ones you see often. Heavily inspired/etc from TV Tropes' article on Japanese Pronouns.

Pronouns for "I"

Watashi- the standard word used for "I". In more formal situations, both males and females can use it. It's also alright for girls to use it in more informal contexts, but if a guy does he'll come off as aloof, serious business, or even effeminate. Young girls can use it, but never young boys.

Atashi- informal and quite feminine version of "watashi". Generally used by girls in a casual situation. Not used by guys unless it's funny or just plain creepy. 

Jibun- Most of the time it's like a reflexive pronoun, "myself". In rare moments it will be used as a very detached "I".

Boku- Usually used by guys in a casual, informal context, not trying to come off as aggressive or rude. It's also used by young boys. If this is used when a more assertive pronoun is accepted, like "ore", the guy can appear childish. In anime, girls using "boku" are tomboyish, but it would be quite peculiar if a girl used "boku" in real life. It's also fine in music for, you know, lyrical flow and stuff. Cosmo, for example, has Miku use "boku", but I think that's just because it sounds a bit like "Voc" as in "Vocaloid" so...

Ore- This is a more aggressive male pronoun for a casual situation, usually by young men from like... teenager to middle age? Or something. Note that in the Rin and Len's original "Revolution" and Meiko and Kaito's cover of it, Len and Kaito use "ore" to affirm their masculinity. No, seriously. They do. 

Ore-sama- ... ok so this is pretty much one of the most assertive, overconfident pronouns ever for "I". If this is used either the user is incredibly smug and full of themselves or they're using it in a tongue-in-cheek manner. So it's fitting that the hot-blooded, crazy-awesome Prussia (from Hetalia) refers to himself as "the awesome me". 

Pronouns for "You"

So in real-life, usually the speaker will just use whoever's name. However, since in music it's unusual to have them named...

Anata- this is standard "you". However it can also translate to "dear" or something if a wife uses it with her husband/ any kind of that relationship. 

Anta- this is a familiar/condescending form of the above

Kimi- somewhat informal, however it's still kind of polite. Men use it when addressing people on the same social level they are, also younger men and women use this too. It's also a usual pronoun with couples. So, it turns up a lot in music. The kanji can also be pronounced "kun" so apparently that's also the honorific. 

Omae- Generally used by guys when they're talking to their kohai (underclassmen), close friends, or children. This has an air of self-confidence and it's pretty informal. Girls can use it too but that doesn't really happen that much. It's also used between couples as "dear".

Onore- A really insulting way of saying "you". Like, Hero defeats Villain, Villain yells "Onore!" while blasting off again... 

Temē- A really really insulting way of saying "you". This is pretty restricted to "rough-talking" kind of guys. Pretty much translates to "You (expletive)!"


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Episode Seven: Gumi, One More Time, One More Time!

For no real reason I'm a bit dead. Just. Dead. Can't write. Can't.
... Maybe I should work on...
I don't know.
Sorry if I sound... drained I guess...?

Featured Vocaloid

Our Featured Vocaloid is Megpoid, whose character name is Gumi. She is Internet Co., Ltd.'s second Vocaloid and seventh Japanese Vocaloid in all. Her voice provider is Megumi Nakajima, who is more well-known to be the voice actor for the character Ranka Lee in the anime Macross Frontier. Because of this, Gumi's design is heavily based off of Ranka's. I mean, just look at this picture.  Her carroter... ehm... Character Item is a carrot. Please refer to picture to see why. ... Yeah. Her most notable songs are Our 16bit Warz, For Campanella, Coward Montblanc, Mozaik Role, Ten-Faced... actually, she's got a lot of notable songs. She's given Miku a run for her money in the rankings too. Her typical portrayal is of a excitable, energetic, plucky girl-- which is a bit surprising, seeing as a lot of her songs deal with failed romance, unrequited love, et cetera. Her voice has a pleasant, breathy rasp to it which adds to its almost realistic quality. She's also noted by some producers to be the easiest Japanese Vocaloid to tune in terms of English pronunciation. 

Featured Producer

Our Featured Producer is Genjitsotouhi-P, more commonly referred to as wowaka. He's known for his fast-paced songs which-- if you read some of the Youtube comments-- apparently are the story of everyone's lives. So there's that. He often uses Miku and just as often provides no PV at the first release of the song. Seriously. There's this one song that sounded like wowaka's but people could tell it wasn't because it had a legit, in-full-color PV. His most well-known songs are World's End Dancehall, Rollin' Girl, and Unhappy Refrain. Anyways, yes, his album "Unhappy Refrain" can be found on iTunes. You're welcome.


So! "Seiyuu" is the term for "voice actor" in Japanese. You may also hear it in reference to the voice provider of a Vocaloid. You may also hear the voice provider being referred to as the Vocaloid in question's "daddy" ... Actually, this is only in the case of Naoto Fuuga and Kaito. I've never heard it applied to any other seiyuu and Vocaloid... 

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Rollin' Girl. Sung by Miku and by wowaka. It was my first Vocaloid song and I'm really attached to this song. It's also kind of a punch in the feels with the PV. Moi ikkai, mou ikkai...

Classic Classic of Classicness

World's End Dancehall, a duet by Luka and Miku-- again by wowaka. Now, shall we dance with a hop step?

Crowning Music of Awesome

Unhappy Refrain. Miku. Wowaka. Awesome. References to other wowaka songs. Awesome. 

Crowning Music of Sad

Time Forgotten One-- by hinayukki/Shigotoshite-P, sung by Kaito. It's so pretty and sad... and then you realize the spoiler... *sniff*

Crowning PV of Why in the world and What in the world

This PV for a song called "The Near Future City" ... actually, maybe that's the album/EP name and it's four songs mashed together? I'm not sure, but the PV is awesome and a punch in the feels, especially if you're a Gakupo or Kaito fan. (why is he all alone in space? *sob*) 

Spotlight Cover and Spotlight Duet TIMES TWO COMBO!

You may now listen to Rin and Len:
1. Completely own Unhappy Refrain
2. Completely pwn World's End Dancehall

And now, you may listen to Kaito
1. Be awesome singing World's End Dancehall (yes, that's Kaito)
2. Be awesome singing Rolling Girl and it's rap version at the same time. 

Awesome. Completely, utterly awesome.

Random Recommendation

Sadly unsubbed, DualSoul is a well-done Meiko and Gumi duet. 

End Note



Thursday, June 7, 2012

Episode Six Point Five: Mini-Series!

So as we all know there are some song series out there. Like, you know, mothy's Evillous Chronicles, sasakure.UK's Do Vocaloids Dream of Doomsday Bird, and Jin's Kagerou Project. Well, this article will not be about those series. (though, the next bit of the Kagerou Project came out recently called "Kisaragi Attention" or something).

This article will be about those smaller mini-series, only lasting around three to two songs in length. The Kagamines show up frequently under this category. Also some of the PVs are annoying in i.e. the typical issue that artists have drawing Meiko for some reason, and some other such stuff. BUT ANYWAYS. Let's get to it, then!

Recycle Bin and Salvage- Rin and Len

By Shibashon P. 

Really, they're almost Exactly What It Says On The Tin. Though, I think Kaito and Meiko could've done at least a good cover of this, especially because of the story of Kaito's release, etc... hm. Oh well. 

Prisoner and Paper Plane- Rin and Len Tragedy

By Shujin P, not to be confused with ShinjouP.

I-I actually couldn't rewatch these... if I did I would melt into a sobbing wreck like the first time. OTL

Utopia, Faint Wish, New Millenium- Rin and Len again

By Shujin P once again. 

Not particularly a "tragedy" in the end, though Utopia and Faint Wish are a bit grim. When they're not being hilariously overdramatic. I mean really. Like Len trying to sound like Kaito in Utopia... XD I died. I. Died. 
Also the PVs for this are kind of annoying and a tad awkward so yeah. The 3D bits... XD Len's scream... 

The Riddler Series- Len and Rin

Ok so the awesomeness of this mini-series outweighs the... issues I have with the other one above. I mean really, the PVs are cool and the storyline is delightfully confusing. Who is the culprit, anyways?!

First Virus Resistance- Rin flying solo

I can't believe I forgot this. 
It's by Wonderful Opportunity

So it's kinda like Disappearance of Hatsune Miku except Rin's like "lolnope" and goes epic action hero on the virus. Seriously, this is full of rocking win.

Synchronicity- Len and Rin once again but it's so EPIC

By HitoshuzukuP
(epic cliffhanger, there's going to be a 3rd song eventually)

Ok this is just EPIC. With everyone and the whole scenario... agh. I love this series so much. Paradise of Light and Shadow has this thing where informative pictures sometimes go by real fast so you'll definitely have to watch that a couple times over. Or a couple thousand... Did I mention I like this series? 
Oh, and a partial translation of the webnovel thing. 

Color Chronicle- Kaito and Meiko (!) (Finally someone different!)

... agh, the latter half of Red Reflection makes me tear up every time... Yeah it's really KaiMei and awesome.
Ok so my issues with this series only go as far as the typical PV-artist-drawing-Meiko issue.
And the fact that I can't find english subs for Color Chronicle... oh well.
But, ok, Guardian Blue isn't too terribly compelling. But then Red Reflections like waBAM right in the feels and it's like suddenly Meiko leveled up or something and then it's saddd. *cry*
And Color Chronicle... I swear I saw subs for it a month ago or so... ah well. It gives me warm fuzzies and they so deserve that happy ending. 

ARPK- Luka, Miku

by baker

Alpacas, guys. Alpacas are cute.

"Strobe" Series- Miku

by PowaPowa-P
Strobe Light - I love that PV...

Really, I would classify it as a full-fledged series except that they're all basically the same song remixed and changed a bit. Always reminds me of Minecraft for some reason... 


ok not a series or miniseries but it's cute, ok?

... and now Spaz shall go off and WRITE.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Episode Six: Purple Eggplant Man Runs for 40m

what. what. what. that didn't even make sense...
sorry this is so lateeeee *falls over*
i apologize in advance for this episode's sleepiness and general cruddiness orz

Featured Vocaloid

So this edition's Featured Vocaloid is Gackpoid, whose actual character name is Gakupo Kamui. As you may guess from his name, he is voiced by the popular singer Gackt. He is the first Vocaloid distributed by Internet Co., Ltd. His character item is an eggplant. His more well-known songs include Dancing Samurai, The Madness of Duke Venomania, and that whole VanaN'Ice thing with Len and Kaito. Also apparently cosmo/BousouP has something going on with him as Dr. Realist. It's been rumored that he will sometime in the future receive an Extend version. Also there was this whole contest thing where... I'm not exactly sure, but it ended up with Gackt cosplaying as Gakupo and covering Gakupo's "Episode 0". Something like that. Sorry, I don't really know that much about him. He's either portrayed as a serious business samurai or as a samurai-wannabe who's a bit goofy. And maybe a tad flirtatious. He's got a deeper voice like Kaito's. If not done well it has this too-heavy feel to it, but according to my resources he can actually have a nice, rich voice when he is tuned well. 

Featured Producer

40mP~ he's a lyrics-orientated producer. He tends to have emotional songs that sometimes hit pretty dang close to home. A few years ago he got married to Nico singer Chano and last year they had a kid. Which is adorable, by the way. His well-known works include Left-Behind CityKarakuri Pierrot, and Eye Examination

Vocaloid Vocabulary

As Hetalia fans may tell you, "Hetare" means clumsy, useless, awkward, et cetera in Japanese. It on occasion can be used in portmanteau, like "Hetalia" to parody... useless Italia. Yeah. So if you see something like "Bakaito and Heta-len" you'll now know it's "Stupid Kaito and Useless Len".
... yeah. (Hetaspaz? Bakaspaz?)

What's on Spaz's iPod?

Delusion Sketch by our Featured Producer and sung by Miku. 

The Classics

The World is Mine by supercell, I think, and sung by the numberone diva in the whole wide world Miku.

Crowning Music of Awesome

Jewel, by Shinjou-P and sung by Kaito. It's awesome and perhaps a touch yandere. Oh, and since I can't find a subbed version of that PV, have some eng translation!

Crowning Music of Sad

Not so much sad as depression->melancholy->hope, but here's Deep-Sea Girl by Yuuyu and sung by Miku. 

Crowning Music of Freaking Adorable Cuteness

Do-Re-Mi-Fa Rondo by our Featured Producer and sung by Miku. It's so. Cute. And yes, those are references to other songs in there! 

Spotlight Cover and Duet

Remember Ah, It's a Wonderful Cat's Life from last edition? No? Well go watch the real version and then now you may see 96neko-- aka the personification of crazy Len fangirls-- and Len duet in a... different... version of it. 

Random Recommendation

Circus Monster is surprisingly, an english song sung by Luka.

End Note 


i am really surprised at how well that worked. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Episode Six: In Which A Recap is Given

Well with much motivation by Aca/Blaze Girl/whatever her interwebs alias might be and Kaito, I have risen from the Animazement ashes and will now proceed to do a cruddy recap! Let's go! Urotanda! *that made no sense*

Featured Vocaloids

These past Featured Vocaloids have been:

Meiko: the tsundere big-sister-figure (oneesama?), first Japanese Vocaloid 1, sake drinker and wholly under-appreciated Vocaloid who is Option 1 of the KaiMei KaiMi ship war!

Kaito: our beloved Bakaito, somewhat of an older-brother-figure (oniisan!), second Japanese Vocaloid 1, ice cream lover with a huge potential and is the center of many shipping wars! (biased writer much? *shotded*)

Miku: the ever-popular number one princess in the whole wide world, CV01, obsessed with leeks with a chipper voice and Option 2 of the KaiMei KaiMi ship war!

Rin and Len: the infamous twins! CV02-- Rin loves oranges and Len's item is bananas, collectively they own the roadroller-- high pitched voices and often shipped with each other (run and hide, the RinLen shippers can be simply terrifying if you cross them!)

Luka: the calmer, other tsundere of the Crypton house, CV03 with a taste for tuna and bilingual capabilities, often shipped with Gakupo.

So that's that!

Featured Producers

Our Featured Producers have been:

hinayukki/Shigotoshite-P: a brilliant Kaito and Meiko producer mostly. She wrote The Song of Swift Wind and the Sky, Singing Earth, et cetera. She's also got a good sense of humor in her talkloids like "Playing a Trick on Kaito"

mothy/AkunoP: the diabolical genius, unrestricted in his Vocaloid usage but he's... well, he's getting better at tuning them. Mastermind of the Seven Deadly Sins Series, including Story of Evil.

DECO*27: pronounced "dayco-neena", known for his Miku and Gumi songs, typically about love and typically with a philosophical slant to them. Coward Montblanc, Mozaik Role, et cetera.  He can also be faintly heard singing along with his songs, adorably enough. 

sasakure.UK: another genius with a tendency for apocalyptic scenarios, however his blog entries reveal a hilarious and goofy personality. He penned Campanella, * Hello, Planet, et cetera.

Shinjou-P: a genius at Kaito's voice, and I recently found out that she was actually a girl. Whoops. Anyways, she's responsible for Hanamogera, the fictional language in Pane Dhiria and Paru Nya. She also made Unyapu and What's COLOR?, all brilliant Kaito songs.


Append/Extend: a redone version of a Vocaloid's voicebank, often more human and often awesome sounding

PV: "Picture Video" the accompanying video to a Vocaloid song

Nico Nico Douga/NND: basically Japanese Youtube, where most if not all Vocaloid songs along with the Weekly Vocaloid Ranking can be found

Bakaito: Kaito's fandom nickname, literally "stupid Kaito"

... ehhh just go look at the last episode for that whole honorifics spiel

What's on Spaz's iPod?


Monochrome Dream-Eater, in which Len actually sounds like a man and is actually pretty cool

Chrono Story, in which Rin and Len release the seven sins into the world and Luka goes to collect them

Once Upon a Me, in which DECO*27 unintentionally makes Spaz cry because it's cute

Old Radio, in which Kaito is both adorable and smart-looking and the setting is interesting

RAINBOW GIRL, in which Kaito is adorable and tragic at the same time... Hush, i-it's cute!

The Classics

Ievan Polkka: rocketed Vocaloid and Hatsune Miku to meme status!

Meltdown: one of Rin's classics-- who thought jumping into a nuclear reactor would be so popular?

Two Breaths Walking: a DECO*27 classic with Miku and a cool PV!

Just Be Friends: one of Luka's most well known songs, showing off her bilungual side!

What's COLOR?: a Kaito classic in which ShinjouP is again brilliant!

Crowning Musics of Awesomeness

Double Lariat- ridiculously motivating!

Bad End Night- fantastically Halloween-esque!

Mozaik Role- epic PV!

Our 16bit Warz- apocalyptic battle!

Judgement of Corruption- villain protagonist!

Crowning Musics of Sadness

Campanella: "it just means that you went that far away..."

Servant of Evil: "You are the princess, I am the servant, destiny divided pitiful twins..."

*Hello, Planet and *Sayonara, World End: "ohayou, hayou..."

Crowning Musics of Creepy/Yandereness

Kaito's Uninstall: "masutaa, masutaa..."

Story of a Poor Blue Rabbit: i-it n-n-needs no quote...

Crowning Musics of Cuteness

Yume Yume/Dream Dream: "Wait, why do you leave after you've come true?"

My Ice-Cream is Melting: "Aaaaisu!"

Crowning Musics of Funniness

THE MOST SERIOUS DAUGHTER OF EVIL SERIES SUMMARY YOUR EARS WILL EVER GAZE UPON: "Take a chill pill woman I am feeling particularly feminine and suicidal today can I have your clothes?"

Lord of Darkness/Yami no Ou: "Haha, what a funny face!"

Crowning Music of What?!

Lost and Found, sasakure.UK and Miku's Append

Spotlight Covers

Meiko's Amazing Grace, simply amazing.

Kaito's Byakoyya No Musume, yes, that is our beloved Kaito!

Rin's Love is War, RAVE RAVE RAVE *dances*

Meiko's Mozaik Role, with Kaito in the chorus!

Kaito Append and Len Append's BRILLIANT Lost Destination-- *fangirl swoon. again*

Spotlight Duets

Kaito and Meiko in The Pair Tree Wither-er by hinayukki

TwiRight Prank with Rin and Len by mothy

Gumi and Deco in Pedal Heart (kind of? hush it's cute)

Kaito and Len in Lost Destina-- *again*

Random Recommendations  


Cyber Thunder Cider

Nekomimi Switch

Panda Hero

Dear You

Ah, It's a Wonderful Cat's Life

Recent News

So another V3 was announced, named Galaco.

End Note
